
OCaml bytecode runtime
ocaml runtime bytecode


This repository contains an npm package which wraps the bytecode VM portion of the OCaml toolchain + a set of dynamically loaded libs as an npm package.

The idea is to be able to distribute bytecode compiled OCaml programs on npm and have them executed using this package.

The goal is also to have a very quick installation, current on MacBook Pro 2016 it takes around 18s to compile the ocamlrun.


% npm install -g @esy-ocaml/ocamlrun
% ocamlrun ./my-bytecode-compiled-executable


% make clean
% make dist
% npm publish

How it works?

We compile ocaml and jbuilder into bytecode and distribute along with ocaml.tar.gz and lwt.tar.gz. On target machine we unpack ocaml.tar.gz and build the runtime portion (ocamlrun + needed C libs) then we build only C part of lwt using bc-compiled ocaml and jbuilder. Finally we have an ocamlrun exposed with a configured $OCAMLLIB which is able to run bytecompiled executables which use lwt.


  • Support Windows
  • CI
npm i @esy-ocaml/ocamlrun


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 1/23/2018
