
ES4X Project Utilities

ES4X Project Utilities

Small set of utilities to get started with es4x.

Bootstrap a project

npm init @es4x project

This will create a basic set of files:

  • package.json
  • index.js
  • index.test.js

Other commands

This project is more than just a project template generator. You can also perform more taks, just consult the tool help:

es4x --help

Usage: es4x [COMMAND] [OPTIONS] [arg...]

project         Initializes the 'package.json' to work with ES4X.
install         Installs required jars from maven to 'node_modules'.
security-policy Initializes a secure by default VM 'security.policy' to work with ES4X.
versions        Displays the versions.

Current VM:
Name:   Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM - 11.0.7
Vendor: GraalVM CE 20.1.0

Run 'es4x COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.

Sub commands


Same as running npm init @es4x project

es4x project


Install jvm dependencies extracted from the npm dependencies. This command will process the package.json and download the required jvm artifacts from Maven Central.

es4x install

Security Policy

Installs a security policy for the project. This can be used to constraint the runtime to be sandboxed in all the possibilities the jvm allows.

es4x security-policy


Prints all the versions (runtime + dependencies).

es4x versions
npm i @es4x/create


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Paulo Lopes
  • released 12/18/2023

