
Assortment of data structures, Vue.js components, and utilities across EOTL apps and sites.
vue-js components data structures utilities



Various data, structures, and utils to use across EOTL applications.

⚠️ Warning this repo is not ready for production and is highly subject to change

JS Utils & Components

A JavaScript package that can be installed in your JS application.

$ yarn add @eotl/core

Vue Components

import { ... } from '@eotl/core/components

Vue Mixins

import { ... } from '@eotl/core/mixins

Vue i18n translation strings

import { ... } from '@eotl/core/locales

Generic Utils

import { ... } from '@eotl/core/enums


For the components to work properly you also need to include the styling

import '@eotl/core/dist/style.css'


To include Vue.js libraries you must first include and init() the package with the following:

import { useEotlCore } from '@eotl/core/store'

// init EOTL core
const eotlStore = useEotlCore()

  // mapboxToken: '',
  url_sextant: import.meta.env.VITE_SEXTANT_URL,
  url_api: import.meta.env.VITE_SEXTANT_API_URL

This package will only work with passing in a pinia store (for now), thus working only in a Vue.js app and breaking the idea of using it as a standalone.


To trigger alerts in apps, use these components. The message argument is required, the title has a default specified.

eotlStore.alertPrimary('Hello, I am a primary alert.')
eotlStore.alertSuccess('Good job, keep it up', 'Success Custom Title')
eotlStore.alertInfo(message, title)
eotlStore.alertWarning('message', title)
eotlStore.alertDanger(message, title)

Fetching Data

Within the eotlStore are HTTP fetch() helpers which handle various response states.

async fetchGet(endpoint, queryString = '') { ... }
async fetchPost(endpoint, record) { ... }
async fetchPatch(endpoint, record) { ... }
async fetchDelete(endpoint) { ... }


  • Logistics UI widget for calculating size, weight, and price estimation of items to be transported

Vue Basic Setup Testing

This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 in Vite.

Recommended IDE Setup

Customize configuration

See Vite Configuration Reference.


yarn install

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

yarn dev

To work on eotl.places.js code, Places is served separately because we wanna know for sure that no other libraries are being imported in the code with the vite.config.places.js config file.

yarn dev:places

The normal Component view can also be seen at root directory and is compiled:

For local dev and importing it in another package use

yarn build --watch

Compile and Minify for Production

yarn build

Lint with ESLint

yarn lint


No shared Golang code at present... but will be soon.

npm i @eotl/[email protected]


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • EOTL
  • released 7/19/2024
