
Parses Emmet CSS abbreviation into AST tree

Emmet stylesheet abbreviation parser

Parses given Emmet stylesheet abbreviation into AST. Parsing is performed in two steps: first it tokenizes given abbreviation (useful for syntax highlighting in editors) and then tokens are analyzed and converted into AST nodes as plain, JSON-serializable objects.

Unlike in markup abbreviations, elements in stylesheet abbreviations cannot be nested and contain attributes, but allow embedded values in element names.


You can install it via npm:

npm install @emmetio/css-abbreviation

Then add it into your project:

import parse from '@emmetio/css-abbreviation';

const props = parse('p10+poa');
/* [{
    name: 'p',
    value: [{ type: 'CSSValue', value: [...] }],
    important: false
}, {
    name: 'poa',
    value: [],
    important: false
}] */

The returned result is an array of CSSProperty items: a node with name and values.

Abbreviation syntax

Emmet stylesheet abbreviation element may start with name and followed by values, optionally chained with - delimiter. In most cases, actual CSS properties doesn’t have numbers in their names (or at least they are not used in abbreviation shortcuts) so a number right after alpha characters is considered as embedded value, as well as colors starting with # character: p10, bg#fc0 etc. If implicit name/value boundary can’t be identified, you should use - as value separator: m-a, p10-20 etc.


Since CSS properties can’t be nested, the only available operator is +.

npm i @emmetio/css-abbreviation


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Sergey Chikuyonok
  • released 5/10/2023
