
Easy and pluggable logger

Easy log

Simple, combustible and pluggable logger for browser

With easy log, you can have your own logger and add all the functions that you want. You can set log levels, fallbacks and so one.

At the end the logger is just a function that modify itself based on your needs


With npm

npm i --save @ematipico/easy-log

With yarn

yarn add @ematipico/easy-log

Create a logger

import { createLogger } from 'easy-log'
const AppLogger = createLogger()
AppLogger.critical('There\'s an error here!')

// [CRITICAL] There's an error here!

Personlise it

When creating your logger, you can pass the default level of your logging and an object where you can persolise you logging. Let's see how

import { createLogger } from 'easy-log'
const levels = {
  1: {
    name: 'serious', // the name of the function
    fn: console.warn // the function itself
    prefix: '[CAREFUL]'
const logger = createLogger(1, levels)
logger.serious('WOOOO IT IS SERIOUS!'); // [CAREFUL] WOOOO IT IS SERIOUS! [with warning style on the console]

createLogger(defaultLevel, settings)

Parameter Type Description
defaultLevel Number The level of logging that your logger will have once created
settings Object An object that will contain the configuration of you log functions

The configuration object

Settings object must have numbers as keys of strings that, once coerced, will become the number. Remember that it's better you have simple numbers in order to have everything in order.

By the default the loggers gives three functions: .critical, .warning and .info with some prefix. You are free to override them. Let's see what's inside the settings object.

Parameter Type Description
name String The name of your function
fn Function The function that will be execture once you will call .name
prefix String A string that will be preprended to your log
pure Boolean When it's false, your function will have to return a new function. Useful to integrate with third party libraries, such as debug
// Integration with debug
import { createLogger } from 'easy-log'
import debug from 'debug'
const levels = {
  1: {
    name: 'serious', // the name of the function
    fn: console.warn // the function itself
    prefix: '[CAREFUL]'
  2: {
    name: 'debug',
    fn: function (label) {
      return debug(label)
    pure: false
const logger = createLogger(2, levels)
localStorage.debug = 'dummy:*'
const log = logger.debug('dummy:');
npm i @ematipico/easy-log


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Emanuele Stoppa
  • released 8/7/2018

