
Common utilities for Eik modules


This package contains common utilities and schemas used in other Eik modules.


The schema for eik.json can be found here in this repo. Here is how you can use it in your eik.json.

    "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eik-lib/common/main/lib/schemas/eikjson.schema.json",
    "name": "my-app",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "server": "https://eik.store.com",
    "files": "./public",
    "import-map": ["https://eik.store.com/map/store/v1"]

@eik/common has a JavaScript API to check against the schema.



helpers has utility functions used by several other Eik modules.

import { helpers } from '@eik/common';

let config = helpers.getDefaults();

These are the available functions on helpers.

Name Description
getDefaults Reads configuration from eik.json or package.json. Includes defaults for missing optional settings.
localAssets Sets up asset routes for local development. Mounted paths match those on Eik server and values are read from projects eik.json file.
typeSlug Maps between Eik configuration values for the package type and its URL/file system value.
typeTitle Maps between a type config value and its title. Essentially uppercases the input.
resolveFiles Uses an Eik JSON "files" definition to resolve files on disk into a data structure. Returns a list of ResolvedFile.
configStore Collection of helper methods for reading and writing Eik configuration files.


Sets up asset routes for local development. Mounted paths match those on Eik server and values are read from projects eik.json file.

Given this server and eik.json, the following routes would be added to your app.

import { helpers } from '@eik/common';
import express from 'express';

let app = express();

await helpers.localAssets(app);
    "name": "my-app",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "server": "https://eik.store.com",
    "files": {
        "esm.js": "./assets/esm.js",
        "esm.css": "./assets/esm.css",
        "/": "./assets/**/*.map"


schemas has functions to check values against the eik.json schema. You can check a value against the schema for eik.json as a whole, or for individual values in the schema.

import { schemas } from '@eik/common';

let { error, value } = schemas.validate.eikJSON(eikConfig);
if (error) {
    // fallback

If you prefer, you can use the assert API which throws on error.

import { schemas } from '@eik/common';

try {
} catch {
    // fallback

These are the available functions on schemas.validate and schemas.assert.

Name Description
eikJSON Checks that the given value includes required fields that are valid
name Checks name
version Checks version
type Checks type
server Checks server
files Checks files
importMap Checks import-map
out Checks out


stream has functions to check that a value is a Stream.

import { stream } from '@eik/common';

if (stream.isStream(maybeStream)) {
    // yup, it's a Stream

if (stream.isReadableStream(maybeReadableStream)) {
    // yup, it's a ReadableStream


validators functions return the provided string normalized to lowercase, or throw an Error if the value does not pass the validation rules. Where possible, prefer using the schemas API.

import { validators } from '@eik/common';

let alias = validators.alias('1');

These are the available functions on validators.

Name Description
alias Checks that a value is a valid alias value (ex 1)
name Checks that a value is a valid package name
org Checks that a value is a valid organisation name.
origin Check that a value looks like an HTTP origin.
version Checks that a value is a valid semver version
semverType Checks that a value is a valid semver type (major, minor, patch)
type Checks that the value is a valid Eik type (pkg, npm, map)
npm i @eik/[email protected]


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 8/6/2024
