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Rollbar checkIgnore

CircleCI codecov Greenkeeper badge

This implements Rollbar's checkIgnore function. Previous error checking was done with Sentry and was removed.


This script can be added via script tags or inline via templates.

Script Tags

standalone.min.js can be added as a script tag, either src-ed or inlined.

_rollbarConfig = {

<script src="rollbar-check-ignore/dist/standalone.min.js" async></script>
// rollbar snippet

As this script is will become more complicated, async loading of the script is supported.

Inline via Templates

An inline function can be used withing templating system to add this script.

_rollbarConfig = {
  checkIgnore: {{ rollbar-check-ignore/dist/index.min.js }}
npm i @dollarshaveclub/rollbar-check-ignore


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 6/27/2018
