
Refresh tags on all DT-published packages in the @types scope.


Refresh tags on all DT-published packages in the @types scope.

Run this whenever an RC of Typescript is released.

  1. --dry will not actually do the retag, but print what it would do.
  2. --name=X will only retag ONE package, and is optional. This is only needed to fix types-publishers' mistakes, or to unwedge it after its cache is corrupted.


Before running

  1. Make sure that you have an up-to-date Definitely Typed repo next to the DefinitelyTyped-tools directory.
  2. Make sure that the NPM_TOKEN and GH_API_TOKEN environment variables are defined.

Then, from DefinitelyTyped-tools root:

$ node packages/retag/dist/index.js
npm i @definitelytyped/retag


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Nathan Shively-Sanders
  • released 10/31/2023
