
A client library for subscribing to and pushing messages through ActiveMQ for NodeJs. Supports Amazon MQ and a RPC protocol.


npm install @db3dev/activemq


Connection Configuration Object

host: String for message broker uri. Do not include protocol or port

port: Number for port to connect to on message broker

username: String for login credentials

password: String password for login credentials

ssl: Boolean indicating that messages should be encrypted

reconnectDelay: Number overriding default reconnection retry wait time

debugCallback: Function to call for debug messages. Should not fill console for production

stompExceptionCallback: Function to call when STOMP client fails

websocketExceptionCallback: Function to call when Websocket Connection fails


When constructing the client object optionally a http.Agent interface can be passed in. This allows the support and configuration of a proxy server in the connection.

connect() --- Triggers websocket and STOMP protocols to activate and maintain connection to message queue.

disconnect() --- Triggers websocket and STOMP protocols to deactivate (close) and not attempt to maintain a connection to message queue.

publish(msg, queue) --- Serializes and sends message to designated queue.

rpc(msg, queue, responseCallback, replyTo?) --- Wraps publish functionality but subscribes to a replyTo queue (randomly named if undefined) that will pass the response to the responseCallback when received.

subscribe(queue, listener) --- Subscribes to designated queue name and passes all messages received to listener function. Return a promised unsubscribe function.

Implementing into NestJS as Listener Example

class ApplicationModule { ... }
await NestFactory.createMicroservice(ApplicationModule, {
    strategy: new class ActiveMQ extends Server implements CustomTransportStrategy {
        constructor(private readonly client: ActiveMQClient, private readonly queue: string) {

        listen(callback: () => void) {

                // Defines the queue the strategy will subscribe to
                {hash: this.queue, queueName: this.queue, prefetchSize: 1}, 
                // The ActiveMQ Client is written to parse the incoming message.
                // NestJS will then use its handler map to execute decorated function that matches pattern
                async (msg: {pattern: any, data: any, replyTo?: string}) => {
                    const pattern = JSON.stringify(msg.pattern);
                    const handler = this.getHandlerByPattern(pattern);

                    if (!handler) {

                    return await handler(msg.data);
            ).then(() => callback());

        close() {
            return this.client.disconnect()

    }(new ActiveMQClient(config), 'developmentQueue')

Using as NestJS Client Example

class ActiveMQ extends ClientProxy {
    constructor(private readonly client: ActiveMQClient, private readonly queue: string) {

    connect(): Promise<any> {
        return this.client.connect();

    close() {
        return this.client.disconnect();

    protected publish(packet: ReadPacket<any>, callback: (packet: WritePacket<any>) => void): Function {
        // NestJS callback is wrapped with a new function that adds RPC response to NestJS observer response
        this.client.rpc(packet, this.queue, (msg: any) => {callback({err: null, response: msg, isDisposed: true})});

        // No-Op code, usually handles connection cleanup but library handles this for us.
        return () => {};
    protected dispatchEvent<T = any>(packet: ReadPacket<any>): Promise<T> {
        return this.client.publish(packet, this.queue) as Promise<any>;

const client = new ActiveMQ(new ActiveMQClient({ ... }), 'developmentQueue');
// Send an RPC Request
client.send('patternA', 'msg').subscribe((msg) => console.log(JSON.stringify(msg)));

// Publish a one way message expecting no response
client.emit('patternB', 'msg');
npm i @db3dev/activemq


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Don Burgess
  • released 9/24/2020

