
Document Store for dapi-db


Document Store for orbit-db

Database for storing indexed documents. Stores documents by _id field by default but you can also specify a custom field to index by.

This is a core data store in orbit-db


npm install orbit-db-docstore


const IPFS = require('ipfs')
const OrbitDB = require('orbit-db')

const ipfs = new IPFS()
const orbitdb = new OrbitDB(ipfs)
const docstore = orbitdb.docstore('db name')

docstore.put({ _id: 'hello world', doc: 'all the things' })
  .then(() => docstore.put({ _id: 'sup world', doc: 'other things' }))
  .then(() => docstore.get('hello'))
  .then((value) => console.log(value))
  // [{ _id: 'hello world', doc: 'all the things'}]

You can specify the field to index by in the options:

const docstore = orbitdb.docstore('db name', { indexBy: 'doc' })

docstore.put({ _id: 'hello world', doc: 'some things' })
  .then(() => docstore.put({ _id: 'hello universe', doc: 'all the things' }))
  .then(() => docstore.get('all'))
  .then((value) => console.log(value))
  // [{ _id: 'hello universe', doc: 'all the things'}]

You can also use a mapper to query the documents

const docstore = orbitdb.docstore('db name')

docstore.put({ _id: 'hello world', doc: 'some things', views: 10 })
  .then(() => docstore.put({ _id: 'hello universe', doc: 'all the things', views: 100 }))
  .then(() => docstore.put({ _id: 'sup world', doc: 'other things', views: 5 }))
  .then(() => docstore.query((e)=> e.views > 5))
  .then((value) => console.log(value))
  // [{ _id: 'hello world', doc: 'some things', views: 10}, { _id: 'hello universe', doc: 'all the things', views: 100}]


See orbit-db API documentation for full details

docstore(name, options)

Package: orbit-db-docstore

const db = orbitdb.docstore('orbit.users.shamb0t.profile')

By default, documents are indexed by field '_id'. You can also specify the field to index by:

const db = orbitdb.docstore('orbit.users.shamb0t.profile', { indexBy: 'name' })
  • put(doc)

    db.put({ _id: 'QmAwesomeIpfsHash', name: 'shamb0t', followers: 500 }).then((hash) => ...)
  • get(key)

    const profile = db.get('shamb0t')
      .map((e) => e.payload.value)
    // [{ _id: 'shamb0t', name: 'shamb0t', followers: 500 }]
  • query(mapper)

    const all = db.query((doc) => doc.followers >= 500)
    // [{ _id: 'shamb0t', name: 'shamb0t', followers: 500 }]
  • del(key)

    db.del('shamb0t').then((removed) => ...)
  • events

    db.events.on('data', (dbname, event) => ... )

    See events for full description.


MIT ©️ 2015-2018 shamb0t, Haja Networks Oy, 2018 Dash Core Group, Inc.

npm i @dashevo/dapi-db-docstore


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • shamb0t
  • released 11/12/2018
