
Vue-cli 3 plugin for adding Coveo Headless support


The @coveo/vue-cli-plugin-typescript package contains the necessary components to set up a search page using Coveo Headless and Buefy with the Vue CLI.

If you want to create a new Coveo Headless-powered search page with the Vue.js web framework from scratch, it is simpler to use the coveo ui:create:vue command in the Coveo CLI. The Coveo CLI will handle a lot of complexity for you. Calling the @coveo/vue-cli-plugin-typescript package directly from the Angular CLI should rather be done to help you integrate a search page to an already existing Vue.js project.


To add a Coveo Headless-powered search page using Buefy to an existing TypeScript Vue.js project, execute the following steps:

  • Run vue add @coveo/vue-cli-plugin-typescript.
  • The root folder should contain a .env file. Replace all placeholder variables (<...>) by the proper information for your organization. Consult the example configuration file named .env.example as needed. For more involved configurations, you can modify the request parameters used in the server/middlewares/searchToken.ts file.
  • Run npm start.


Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm start

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

npm i @coveo/[email protected]

