
@cosmwasm/ts-codegen converts your CosmWasm smart contracts into dev-friendly TypeScript classes so you can focus on shipping code.
cosmwasm interchain smart contracts codegen


Generate TypeScript SDKs for your CosmWasm smart contracts

npm install @cosmwasm/ts-codegen

The quickest and easiest way to interact with CosmWasm Contracts. @cosmwasm/ts-codegen converts your CosmWasm smart contracts into dev-friendly TypeScript classes so you can focus on shipping code.

🎥 Checkout our video playlist to learn how to use ts-codegen!

Table of contents


Programmatic Usage

For production usage, we recommend setting up a build script that uses the main entry point:

import codegen from '@cosmwasm/ts-codegen';

  contracts: [
      name: 'SG721',
      dir: './path/to/sg721/schema'
      name: 'Minter',
      dir: './path/to/Minter/schema'
  outPath: './path/to/code/src/',

  // options are completely optional ;)
  options: {
    bundle: {
      bundleFile: 'index.ts',
      scope: 'contracts'
    types: {
      enabled: true
    client: {
      enabled: true
    reactQuery: {
      enabled: true,
      optionalClient: true,
      version: 'v4',
      mutations: true,
      queryKeys: true,
      queryFactory: true,
    recoil: {
      enabled: false
    messageComposer: {
      enabled: false
    messageBuilder: {
      enabled: false
    useContractsHook: {
      enabled: false
}).then(() => {
  console.log('✨ all done!');


Typescript types and interfaces are generated in separate files so they can be imported into various generated plugins.

see example output code

Types Options

option description
types.enabled enable type generation
types.aliasExecuteMsg generate a type alias based on the contract name
types.aliasEntryPoints generate type aliases for the entry points based on the contract name


The client plugin will generate TS client classes for your contracts. This option generates a QueryClient for queries as well as a Client for queries and mutations.

see example output code

Client Options

option description
client.enabled generate TS client classes for your contracts
client.execExtendsQuery execute should extend query message clients
client.noImplicitOverride should match your tsconfig noImplicitOverride option
client.useDeclareKeyword use declare keyword for inherited class fields

React Query

Generate react-query v3 or react-query v4 bindings for your contracts with the react-query command.

see example output code

React Query Options

option description
reactQuery.enabled enable the react-query plugin
reactQuery.optionalClient allows contract client to be undefined as the component renders
reactQuery.queryKeys generates a const queryKeys object for use with invalidations and set values
reactQuery.queryFactory generates a const queryFactory object for useQueries and prefetchQueries use
reactQuery.version v4 uses @tanstack/react-query and v3 uses react-query
reactQuery.mutations also generate mutations
reactQuery.camelize use camelCase style for property names


Generate recoil bindings for your contracts with the recoil command.

see example output code

Recoil Options

option description
recoil.enabled enable the recoil plugin

Message Composer

Generate pure message objects with the proper utf8 encoding and typeUrl configured that you can broadcast yourself via cosmjs with the message-composer command.

see example output code

Message Composer Options

option description
messageComposer.enabled enable the messageComposer plugin

Message Builder

Generate raw message jsons for use in your application with the message-builder command.

see example output code

Message Builder Options

option description
messageBuilder.enabled enable the messageBuilder plugin

useContracts Hook

Generates useContracts hook to easily access contracts, already equipped with a signing client

option description
useContractsHook.enabled enable the useContracts plugin

Example Output

Use Contracts Provider Usage

import { useChain } from '@cosmos-kit/react';
import { ContractsProvider } from '../path/to/codegen/contracts-context';

export default function YourComponent() {

  const {
  } = useChain(chainName);

  return (
        <SomeCoolComponent />

Use Contracts Provider Babel/TSC config

If you're using Babel, please make sure include '@babel/preset-react' in devDeps and presets in .babelrc.js:

 presets: [

For tsc, you should set the jsx option to 'react' in your tsconfig.json.

Use Contracts Hooks Usage

Once enabled, you can get contracts very simply:

const { marketplace } = useContracts();
const marketplaceClient = marketplace.signingClient(marketplaceContract);
await marketplaceClient.updateAskPrice({
  collection: token.collectionAddr,
  price: {


The bundler will make a nice package of all your contracts. For example:

const {
} = contracts.Minter;

const { CwAdminFactoryClient } = contracts.CwAdminFactory;

Bundler Options

option description
bundle.enabled enable the bundler plugin
bundle.scope name of the scope, defaults to contracts (you can use . to make more scopes)
bundle.bundleFile name of the bundle file

Coding Style

option description default
useShorthandCtor Enable using shorthand constructor. true

Using shorthand constructor (Might not be transpiled correctly with babel):

    protected address: string | undefined,
    protected cosmWasmClient: CosmWasmClient | undefined,
    protected signingCosmWasmClient: SigningCosmWasmClient | undefined,
    private TSign?: new (
      client: SigningCosmWasmClient,
      sender: string,
      contractAddress: string
    ) => TSign,
    private TQuery?: new (
      client: CosmWasmClient,
      contractAddress: string
    ) => TQuery,
    private TMsgComposer?: new (
      sender: string,
      contractAddress: string
    ) => TMsgComposer
  ) {}

Without using shorthand constructor:

  address: string | undefined;
  TMsgComposer?: new (
    sender: string,
    contractAddress: string
  ) => TMsgComposer;

    address: string | undefined,
    TMsgComposer?: new (
      sender: string,
      contractAddress: string
    ) => TMsgComposer
  ) {
    this.address = address;
    this.TMsgComposer = TMsgComposer;

CLI Usage and Examples

You can get started quickly using our cli by globally installing via npm:

npm install @cosmwasm/ts-codegen

Clone your project and cd into your contracts folder

git clone https://github.com/cosmology-tech/launchpad.git
cd launchpad/contracts/whitelists/whitelist

Run ts-codegen or cosmwasm-ts-codegen to generate your code.

ts-codegen generate \
          --plugin client \
          --schema ./schema \
          --out ./ts \
          --name Whitelist \

The output will be in the folder specified by --out, enjoy!

Interactive prompt

The CLI is interactive, and if you don't specify an option, it will interactively prompt you.

cosmwasm-ts-codegen generate
? [plugin] which plugins? (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)
❯◯ client
 ◯ recoil
 ◯ react-query
 ◯ message-composer

In this example, you can press space bar to select a number of plugins you wish you enable.

Specifying Plugins

Additionally, it will also show you the name of the field (in this case plugin) so you can specify the parameter (for example when using CI/CD) on the comand line. Here is an exampl with --plugin set to client via CLI:

ts-codegen generate \
    --plugin client
    --schema ./schema \
    --out ./ts \
    --name MyContractName

You can specify multiple --plugin options using the generate command:

ts-codegen generate \
          --plugin client \
          --plugin recoil \
          --schema ./schema \
          --out ./ts \
          --name SG721

Bypassing the Prompt

All options can be provided so you can bypass the prompt.

For confirm options, you can pass --no-<name> to set the value to false. Here is an example without optional client, using v3 for react-query, without mutations:

ts-codegen generate \
    --plugin client \
    --plugin react-query \
    --schema ./schema \
    --out ./ts \
    --name MyContractName \
    --version v3 \
    --no-optionalClient \

Example with optional client, using v4, with mutations:

ts-codegen generate \
    --plugin react-query \
    --schema ./schema \
    --out ./ts \
    --name MyContractName \
    --optionalClient \
    --version v4 \

Types Only Option

If needed, you can generate only the types with the typesOnly option;

ts-codegen generate \
          --typesOnly \
          --schema ./schema \
          --out ./ts \
          --name SG721

Client via CLI

ts-codegen generate \
    --plugin client
    --schema ./schema \
    --out ./ts \
    --name MyContractName

React Query via CLI

Here is an example without optional client, using v3 for react-query, without mutations:

ts-codegen generate \
    --plugin client \
    --plugin react-query \
    --schema ./schema \
    --out ./ts \
    --name MyContractName \
    --version v3 \
    --no-optionalClient \

Example with optional client, using v4, with mutations:

ts-codegen generate \
    --plugin react-query \
    --schema ./schema \
    --out ./ts \
    --name MyContractName \
    --optionalClient \
    --version v4 \

Recoil via CLI

ts-codegen generate \
    --plugin recoil \
    --schema ./schema \
    --out ./ts \
    --name MyContractName

Message Composer via CLI

ts-codegen generate \
    --plugin message-composer \
    --schema ./schema \
    --out ./ts \
    --name MyContractName

Message Builder via CLI

ts-codegen generate \
    --plugin message-builder \
    --schema ./schema \
    --out ./ts \
    --name MyContractName

JSON Schema

We generate code from the JSON Schema exported from CosmWasm smart contracts.

JSON Schema Generation

Currently you have to have the JSON Schema output. Here is an example to start.

First, get the Rust contracts and run cargo build:

git clone [email protected]:public-awesome/stargaze-contracts.git
cd stargaze-contracts
cargo build

now build the schema with cargo schema

cd contracts/sg721/
cargo schema

Exporting Schemas

cosmwasm v1.1 Example

Using the new write_api method, you can export schemas:

use cosmwasm_schema::write_api;

use cw4_group::msg::{ExecuteMsg, InstantiateMsg, QueryMsg};

fn main() {
    write_api! {
        instantiate: InstantiateMsg,
        execute: ExecuteMsg,
        query: QueryMsg,

cosmwasm_std Example

Here is a legacy example:

use cosmwasm_std::{Addr, CosmosMsg, Empty};

export_schema_with_title(&schema_for!(MinterData), &out_dir, "MinterResponse");
export_schema_with_title(&schema_for!(Addr), &out_dir, "StakingResponse");
export_schema_with_title(&schema_for!(Addr), &out_dir, "DaoResponse");


Initial setup

yarn bootstrap


yarn build


Then cd into a package and run the tests

cd ./packages/ast
yarn test:watch

Working with ASTs

See the docs in the @cosmwasm/ts-codegen-ast package.


Checkout these related projects:

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  • @cosmwasm/ts-codegen Convert your CosmWasm smart contracts into dev-friendly TypeScript classes.
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  • interchain-ui The Interchain Design System, empowering developers with a flexible, easy-to-use UI kit.
  • starship Unified Testing and Development for the Interchain.


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No developer or entity involved in creating this software will be liable for any claims or damages whatsoever associated with your use, inability to use, or your interaction with other users of the code, including any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, or loss of profits, cryptocurrencies, tokens, or anything else of value.

npm i @cosmwasm/ts-codegen




Dan Lynch