
Supported nodejs library for interacting with the Corellium service and VMs
corellium reverse-engineering virtual-machines vm android ios arm arm64 frida and 1 more...

Corellium API


Corellium API reference documentation is available here.



npm install @corellium/corellium-api


To publish the corellium-api npm package to the GitLab registry, create a tag with the format


To publish to the official Corellium npm registry, create a tag with the format


This will publish the package in the GitLab registry, the npm registry, as well as create a release in the mirrored GitHub repository


const { Corellium } = require("@corellium/corellium-api");

Onsite Customer Usage

If you're using an on-site appliance rather than our cloud product, there may be a few things that are different. Check with your domain administrator to see if the appliance was set up to use a trusted custom certificate that you machine accepts. If it has not been, you will need to accepted the custom certificate that is generated on install by Corellium. Since this certificate will not be known to a local machine you will either need to export it from the server and trust it, or simply tell the node.js vm that you can safely ignore the certificate chain error.

The easiest way to ignore the certificate is to pass the flag NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 to the scripts you are running.

mkdir test
cd test
npm install @corellium/corellium-api
wget https://github.com/corellium/corellium-api/blob/master/examples/agent-simple.js
<edit agent-simple.js for your local config>
env NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 node agent-simple.js

class Corellium

new Corellium(options)

Sets up a new Corellium endpoint to use. Accepted options are:

  • options.endpoint: the URL of the endpoint to use

Include one of the following methods of authentication:

Username / Password Credentials

  • options.username: username to use for login
  • options.password: password for given username

API Token

  • options.apiToken: user's API token


  • options.token: user's JWT
options.token = {
    token: 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzM4NCIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...', // JWT
    expiration: '2022-10-21T21:16:53.000Z', 


  • options.totpToken: Timebased One Time Password Token for a given username


let corellium = new Corellium({
    endpoint: 'https://app.corellium.com',
    username: 'username',
    password: 'password',
    totpToken: '12345',

async login()

Performs the login on the endpoint using the credentials passed through the constructor.


await corellium.login();

async projects()

Returns all projects from the connected endpoint as an Array.


let projects = await corellium.projects();
let project = projects.find(project => project.name === "Demo Project");

Line 2 shows how to pick a specific project from the returned map.

async getProject(projectId)

Returns the Project with the identifier projectId or undefined if it does not exist.


let project = await corellium.getProject('b5ef6be5-71a9-4a26-a320-9be182217ac8');

async projectNamed(name)

Returns the Project with the name name or undefined if it does not exist.


let project = await corellium.projectNamed('Default Project');

async supported()

Returns an Array with all devices that are supported by the endpoint, with their supported firmwares.


let supported = await corellium.supported();

class Project

Note: Instances of the class Project are supposed to be created using the Corellium#projects(), Corellium#getProject(), or Corellium#projectNamed() methods.

Property: name

Returns the name of the project.


let name = project.name;

Property: quotas

Returns the quotas of the project. Currently, quotas' only element is cpus.


// Create map of supported devices.
let supported = {};
(await corellium.supported()).forEach(modelInfo => {
    supported[modelInfo.name] = modelInfo;

// Get how many CPUs we're currently using.
let cpusUsed = 0;
instances.forEach(instance => {
    cpusUsed += supported[instance.flavor].quotas.cpus;

console.log('Used: ' + cpusUsed + '/' + project.quotas.cpus);

async instances()

Returns an Array of Instance objects of all virtual machine instances.


let instances = await project.instances();
let instance = instances.find(instance => instance.name === 'Test-Device');

Line 2 shows how to select a specific instance by name from the returned instances.

async getInstance(id)

Returns the instance identified by id.


let instance = project.getInstance('a9212122-40b0-1387-7feb-7a721916580d');

async createInstance(options)

Creates a new instance with the given options. The following options are supported:

  • options.name: The name of the new Instance.
  • options.flavor: The flavor of the Instance that is being created.
    • The following flavors are supported for Android:
      • ranchu (for Generic Android devices)
      • The following Android devices are "frames" which will change the screen size and dpi
        • google-nexus-4
        • google-nexus-5
        • google-nexus-5x
        • google-nexus-6
        • google-nexus-6p
        • google-nexus-9
        • google-pixel
        • google-pixel-2
        • google-pixel-3
        • htc-one-m8
        • huawei-p8
    • The following flavors are supported for iOS:
      • iphone6
      • iphone6plus
      • ipodtouch6
      • ipadmini4wifi
      • iphone6s
      • iphone6splus
      • iphonese
      • iphone7
      • iphone7plus
      • iphone8
      • iphone8plus
      • iphonex
      • iphonexs
      • iphonexsmax
      • iphonexsmaxww
      • iphonexr
      • iphone11
      • iphone11pro
      • iphone11promax
      • iphonese2
      • iphone12m
      • iphone12
      • iphone12p
      • iphone12pm
      • iphone13
      • iphone13m
      • iphone13p
      • iphone13pm
  • options.os: The software version, e.g. 14.3 for iOS, or 11.0.0 for Android
  • options.patches: The following values are supported:
    • jailbroken The instance should be jailbroken (default).
    • nonjailbroken The instance should not be jailbroken.
    • corelliumd The instance should not be jailbroken but should profile API agent.
  • options.bootOptions: Various boot options
    • options.bootOptions.kernelSlide: Change the Kernel slide value for an iOS device. When not set, the slide will default to zero. When set to an empty value, the slide will be randomized.
    • options.bootOptions.udid: Predefined Unique Device ID (UDID) for iOS device
    • options.bootOptions.screen: Change the screen metrics for Ranchu devices XxY[:DPI], e.g. 720x1280:280
    • options.bootOptions.additionalTags[]: An array of addition features to utilize for the device, valid options include
      • kalloc: Enable kalloc/kfree trace access via GDB (Enterprise only)
      • gpu: Enable cloud GPU acceleration (Extra costs incurred, cloud only)
      • no-keyboard : Enable keyboard passthrough from web interface
      • nodevmode : Disable developer mode on iOS16 (and greater)
      • sep-cons-ext : Patch SEPOS to print debug messages to console
      • iboot-jailbreak : Patch iBoot to disable signature checks
      • llb-jailbreak : Patch LLB to disable signature checks
      • rom-jailbreak : Patch BootROM to disable signature checks
    • options.bootOptions.kernel: Custom kernel to pass to the device on creation
    • options.bootOptions.vmmio[]: Paremeters to export a VM address space range (and IRQ & DMA functionality) over TCP to different models running on different machines or inside a different VM
      • start: start address for beginning of vMMIO range
      • size: size of the range to use for vMMIO
      • irq: system IRQs, 1-16 ranges must be specified
      • port: tcp port for vMMIO usage


// create instance
let instance = await project.createInstance({
    'name': 'Test Device',
    'flavor': 'ranchu',
    'os': '11.0.0',
    'bootOptions': {
        'screen': '720x1280:280',
// wait for the instance to finish restoring
await instance.finishRestore();

class Instance

Note: instances of class Instance are only supposed to be retrieved by Project#instances(), Project#getInstance(), or Project#createInstance.

Property: name

The name of the instance.


let instances = await project.instances();
let instance = instances[0];
console.log("Using " + instance.name);

Property: state

Returns the state of the Instance.

Valid states are:

  • on: The Instance is running.
  • off: The Instance is not running.
  • creating: The Instance is being created.
  • deleting: The Instance is being deleted.


await instance.start();
await instance.waitForState('on');
assert.equal(instance.state, 'on');

See also: Instance.waitForState()

Property: flavor

Returns the flavor of the Instance.


let instances = await project.instances();
instances.forEach(instance => {
    console.log(instance.name + ': ' + instance.flavor);

async rename(name)

Renames an Instance to name.


let instances = await project.instances();
let instance = instances.find(instance => instance.name === 'Test-Device');
await instance.rename('Demo-Device');

async modifyPeripherals(peripheralData)

Modify the a PeripheralData object for the current Instance. This is the peripheral/sensor data which is sent to the device hardware.

Currently only supported for Android devices.


const instances = await project.instances();
const instance = instances.find(instance => instance.name == 'foo');
await instance.modifyPeripherals({
    "gpsToffs": "0.000000",
    "gpsLat": "37.414300",
    "gpsLon": "-122.077400",
    "gpsAlt": "45.000000",
    "acOnline": "1",
    "batteryPresent": "1",
    "batteryStatus": "discharging",
    "batteryHealth": "overheat",
    "batteryCapacity": "99.000000",
    "acceleration": "0.000000,9.810000,0.000000",
    "gyroscope": "0.000000,0.000000,0.000000",
    "magnetic": "0.000000,45.000000,0.000000",
    "orientation": "0.000000,0.000000,0.000000",
    "temperature": "25.000000",
    "proximity": "50.000000",
    "light": "20.000000",
    "pressure": "1013.250000",
    "humidity": "55.000000"

async getPeripherals()

Return a Promise of a PeripheralData object for the current Instance.


let peripherals = await instance.getPeripherals();

async snapshots()

Returns an Array of Snapshot objects with the snapshots for the current Instance.


let snapshots = instance.snapshots();
snapshots.forEach(snapshot => {
    console.log(snapshot.name, snapshot.created);

async takeSnapshot(name)

Creates a snapshot named name of an Instance. Returns an instance of Snapshot.


await instance.takeSnapshot('before-test');

async consoleLog()

Returns the current console log of an Instance.


console.log(await instance.consoleLog());

async panics()

Returns recorded panics of an Instance.


console.log(await instance.panics());

See also: Event: panic

async clearPanics()

Clears recorded panics of an Instance.


await instance.clearPanics();

See also: Event: panic

async agent()

Returns an Agent instance for the Instance.


let agent = await instance.agent();
await agent.ready();

async newAgent()

Creates an additional Agent connection to the Instance. This is required for agent tasks that do not actually finish, like Agent#crashes().


let crashListener = await instance.newAgent();
crashListener.crashes('com.corellium.demoapp', (err, crashReport) => {
    if (err) {

async console()

Returns a node stream for the Instance's console.


let consoleStream = await instance.console();

async start()

Starts an Instance.


await instance.start();

async stop()

Stops an Instance.


await instance.stop();

async reboot()

Reboots an Instance.


await instance.reboot();

async destroy()

Destroys an Instance.


// delete all instances of the project
let instances = await project.instances();
instances.forEach(instance => {

async getCoreTraceThreadList()

Returns array of threads in the following format:

    { pid, kernelId, name, threads: [ { tid, kernelId }, ... ] },


let procList = await instance.getCoreTraceThreadList();
for (let p of procList) {
    console.log(p.pid, p.kernelId, p.name);
    for (let t of p.threads) {
        console.log(t.tid, t.kernelId);

async setCoreTraceFilter(pids, names, tids)

Creates CoreTrace filter from array of PIDs, TIDs and process names.


await instance.setCoreTraceFilter([111, 222], ["proc_name"], [333]);

async clearCoreTraceFilter()

Clears CoreTrace filter.


await instance.clearCoreTraceFilter();

async startCoreTrace()

Starts CoreTrace capture.


await instance.startCoreTrace();

async stopCoreTrace()

Stops CoreTrace capture.


await instance.stopCoreTrace();

async downloadCoreTraceLog()

Returns captured CoreTrace data.


let trace = await instance.downloadCoreTraceLog();

async clearCoreTraceLog()

Clears captured CoreTrace data.


await instance.clearCoreTraceLog();

async fridaConsole()

Returns a node stream for the Instance's FRIDA console.


let consoleStream = await instance.fridaConsole();

async executeFridaScript(filePath)

Execute installed FRIDA script with path.


await instance.executeFridaScript("/data/corellium/frida/scripts/script.js");

async takeScreenshot()

Instructions the Instance to create a screenshot of the device screen. Returns a Buffer with PNG data.


let screenshot = await instance.takeScreenshot();
fs.writeFileSync('screenshot.png', screenshot);

async finishRestore()

Waits for a device to finish restoring.


await instance.finishRestore();

See also the example at Project#createInstance()

async waitForState(state)

Waits for the Instance to switch to a specific state. For valid states, see Property: state.


await instance.waitForState('on');

Event: change

Instance emits a change event when its info changes, e.g. when the instance is renamed or its state changes.


instance.on('change', async () => {
    console.log(instance.id, instance.name, instance.state);

Event: panic

Instance emits a panic event when a panic occurred.


instance.on('panic', async () => {
    console.log('Panic detected!');

    // get the panic log(s)
    console.log(await instance.panics());

    // Download the console log.
    console.log(await instance.consoleLog());

    // Clear the panic log.
    await instance.clearPanics();

    // Reboot the instance.
    await instance.reboot();

class Agent

Note: Instances of the class Agent are only supposed to be retrieved with Instance#agent() or Instance#newAgent().

async ready()

Waits for the agent to be ready to use. This essentially means that it will wait until Springboard has launched.


let agent = await instance.agent();
await agent.ready();

async appList()

Returns an Array of installed apps.


let appList = await agent.appList();
for (app of appList) {
    console.log('Found installed app ' + app['bundleID']);

async run(bundleID)

Launches the app with the given bundleID.


await agent.run("com.corellium.demoapp");

async kill(bundleID)

Kills the underlying process of the app identified by bundleID.


await agent.kill("com.corellium.demoapp");

async install(path, [progress])

Installs an app, where the packaged app needs to be available on the VMs filesystem at path. The optional progress parameter expects a callback function with signature (progress, status), where progress is the percentage as float, and status a string with the current status of the installation progress.

To upload a file to the VM's filesystem, see Agent#upload().

See also Agent#installFile() which will handle the file upload on its own.


await agent.install('/var/tmp/temp.ipa', (progress, status) => {
    console.log(progress, status);

async installFile(stream, [progress])

Uploads the packaged app provided through the node stream object stream and installs it on the VM. The optional progress parameter expects a callback function with signature (progress, status), where progress is the percentage as float, and status a string with the current status of the installation progress.


await agent.installFile(fs.createReadStream('test.ipa'), (progress, status) => {
    console.log(progress, status);

async uninstall(bundleID, [progress])

Uninstalls the app identified by bundleID. The optional progress parameter expects a callback function with signature (progress, status), where progress is the percentage as float, and status a string with the current status of the uninstallation progress.


await agent.uninstall('com.corellium.demoapp', (progress, status) => {
    console.log(progress, status);

async shellExec(cmd)

Executes a given command shell command on the VM.


    let response = await agent.shellExec('uname');
    console.log('Output:' + response['output']);

async tempFile()

Returns a temporary random filename on the VMs filesystem that by the time of invocation of this method is guaranteed to be unique.

See example at Agent#upload().

async upload(path, stream)


let tmpName = await agent.tempFile();
await agent.upload(tmpName, fs.createReadStream('test.ipa'));


Downloads the file at path from the VM's filesystem. Returns a node stream object.


let dl = agent.download('/var/tmp/test.log');

async deleteFile(path)

Deletes the file at path on the VM's filesystem.


await agent.deleteFile('/var/tmp/test.log');

async profileList()

Returns an array of Mobile Configuration profile IDs.


let profiles = await agent.profileList();
for (p of profiles) {
    console.log('Found configuration profile: ' + p);

async installProfile(profile)

Installs Mobile Configuration binary profile to iOS device.


var profile = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "myprofile.mobileconfig"));
await agent.installProfile(profile);

async removeProfile(profileID)

Deletes Mobile Configuration profile with profileID.


await agent.removeProfile('com.test.myprofile');

async getProfile(profileID)

Gets Mobile Configuration profile binary with profileID.


var profile = await agent.getProfile('com.test.myprofile');

async listProvisioningProfiles()

Returns an array of Provisioning profile descriptions.


let profiles = await agent.listProvisioningProfiles();
for (p of profiles) {

async installProvisioningProfile(profile, trust)

Installs Provisioning profile binary profile makes it immediately trusted if trust is set.


var profile = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "embedded.mobileprovision"));
await agent.installProvisioningProfile(profile, true);

async removeProvisioningProfile(profileID)

Deletes Provisioning profile with profileID.


await agent.removeProvisioningProfile('aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa');

async preApproveProvisioningProfile(certID, profileID)

Approves (makes trusted) profile with certID and profileID which will be installed later in a future for example during app installation via Xcode.


await agent.preApproveProvisioningProfile('Apple Development: [email protected] (NKJDZ3DZJB)', 'aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa');

crashes(bundleID, callback)

Subscribes to crash events for a given app identified by bundleID. The callback will be called as soon as the agent found a new crash log. The signature is (err, crashReport) where err is only defined if an error occured setting up or watching for crash logs and crashReport will contain the full crash report data.

Currently this is only available on iOS virtual devices.

Note: Since this method blocks the communication channel of the agent to wait for crash reports, a new Agent connection should be created with Instance#newAgent().


let crashListener = await instance.newAgent();
crashListener.crashes("com.corellium.demoapp", (err, crashReport) => {
    if (err) {

async lockDevice()

Locks the device software-wise.


await agent.lockDevice();

async unlockDevice()

Unlocks the device software-wise.


await agent.unlockDevice();

async enableUIAutomation()

Enables UI Automation.


await agent.enableUIAutomation();

async disableUIAutomation()

Disables UI Automation.


await agent.disableUIAutomation();

async isSSLPinningEnabled()

Check if SSL pinning is enabled. By default SSL pinning is disabled.


let enabled = await agent.isSSLPinningEnabled();
if (enabled) {
} else {

async enableSSLPinning()

Enables SSL pinning.


await agent.enableSSLPinning();

async disableSSLPinning()

Disables SSL pinning.


await agent.disableSSLPinning();


Disconnects an Agent connection. This is usually only required if a new agent connection has been created and is no longer needed, for example if the crashListener demonstrated in the example at Agent#crashes() is not required anymore.


// subscribe for crash logs
let crashListener = await instance.newAgent();
crashListener.crashes("com.corellium.demoapp", (err, crashReport) => {
    if (err) {

// wait 15 seconds
let timeoutComplete = null;
new Promise(resolve => {
    timeoutComplete = resolve;
    setTimeout(timeoutComplete, 15000);

// crashListener not required anymore

async runFridaPs()

Returns processes avialable for FRIDA to attach.


let procList = await agent.runFridaPs();
let lines = procList.output.trim().split('\n');
// Discard the first two lines.
for (const line of lines) {
    const [pid, name] = line.trim().split(/\s+/);
    console.log(pid, name);

async runFrida(pid, name)

Attaches FRIDA to the process with pid and name. Please note that both arguments need to be provided as they are required by the Web UI.


await agent.runFrida(111, 'myapp');

async runFridaKill()

Detaches FRIDA from current process.


await agent.runFridaKill();

class NetworkMonitor

Note: Instances of the class NetworkMonitor are only supposed to be retrieved with Instance#networkMonitor() or Instance#newNetworkMonitor().

async handleMessage(handler)

Install handler for captured Network Monitor data


let netmon = await instance.newNetworkMonitor();
netmon.handleMessage((message) => {
    let host = message.request.headers.find(entry => entry.key === 'Host');
    console.log(message.response.status, message.request.method, message.response.body.size, host.value);

async start()

Starts capturing Network Monitor data


let netmon = await instance.newNetworkMonitor();

async stop()

Stops capturing Network Monitor data


let netmon = await instance.newNetworkMonitor();

async isEnabled()

Check if Network Monitor is enabled


let enabled = await netmon.isEnabled();
if (enabled) {
} else {

async clearLog()

Clears captured Network Monitor data


let netmon = await instance.newNetworkMonitor();

class Snapshot

Note: Instances of the class Snapshot are only supposed to be retrieved with Instance#snapshots() or Instance#takeSnapshot().

Property: name

Name of the snapshot.

Property: created

The time the snapshot was created.

Property: fresh

Tells wether a snapshot is fresh or not.

A snapshot will be automatically created after the initial restore of an Instance in which case it is considered fresh.


let snapshots = await instance.snapshots();
let freshSnapshot = snapshots.find(snapshot => snapshot.fresh);
await freshSnapshot.restore();

async rename(name)

Renames a snapshot to name.


let snapshots = await instance.snapshots();
let snapshot = snapshots.find(snapshot => snapshot.name === 'Test 1');
if (snapshot) {
    await snapshot.rename('Test 1 new');

async restore()

Restores a snapshot.


let snapshots = await instance.snapshots();
let snapshot = snapshots.find(snapshot => snapshot.name === 'Pre-Test 1');
if (snapshot) {
    await snapshot.restore();

async delete()

Deletes a snapshot.


let snapshots = await instance.snapshots();
snapshots.forEach(snapshot => {
    console.log("Deleting snapshot " + snapshot.name)
npm i @corellium/corellium-api


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Corellium
  • released 7/29/2024
