
Forma 36 Tokens

Forma 36 Tokens

The design tokens for Forma 36, available as JSON, CSS, and SCSS.

These tokens are a key part of our design system and power f36-components.

Library usage

Install the package to your project

yarn add @contentful/f36-tokens

Or for NPM

npm i @contentful/f36-tokens

Import into your project


import F36Tokens from '@contentful/f36-tokens';


@import '@contentful/f36-tokens/dist/css/index.css';


import tokens from '@contentful/f36-tokens/dist/json/transitions/transition-easings';


For local development run npm i from the root of this repo to install all dependencies and run npm run-script build from the root of this repo to build all packages.

All tokens are kept in the src/tokens directory and organised as so:

├── border-radius
│   ├── border-radius.js
├── box-shadows
│   ├── box-shadows.js
│   └── glows.js
├── colors
│   ├── colors-blue.js
│   ├── colors-contrast.js
│   ├── colors-coral.js
│   ├── colors-elements.js
│   ├── colors-green.js
│   ├── colors-ice.js
│   ├── colors-mint.js
│   ├── colors-orange.js
│   ├── colors-peach.js
│   ├── colors-red.js
│   ├── colors-semantic.js
│   ├── colors-text.js
│   └── colors-white.js
├── spacing.js
├── transitions
│   ├── transition-durations.js
│   └── transition-easings.js
├── typography
│   ├── font-base.js
│   ├── font-size.js
│   ├── font-stack.js
│   ├── font-weight.js
│   ├── letter-spacing.js
│   └── line-height.js
└── typography.js

Creating a build

npm run-script build

Running the build script will populate the dist directory with separately built JSON, CSS and JS file with TS typings.

This script populates the dist folder with all tokens as JSON, CSS and JS. For CSS builds, an index file is included for ease of importing.

npm i @contentful/[email protected]


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 8/17/2021



suevalov, farruco.sanjurjo, johanneswuerbach, ronaldronson, silhoue, phbschmidt, timbeyer, thebesson, dominik.markusic, eamodeorubio, poberherr, kgarbaya, stupchiy, zcei, elblivion, it-internal, guilebarbosa, sbezludny, medturki, danwe, m10l, cribbles, marina-cf, dlitvakb, malin_sofrone, yann-cf, makinwa37, diacono, whydah-gally, tauraz, cakejelly, matthew-hickey, martin3walker, cstillitano, argvk_cf, yiotis, leonardofreitass, hwartig, davidfateh, gb-ctf-ext, dvasylenko, ruderngespra, arisplakias, janikomu, mshaaban0, vbeleuta, freakyfelt, taye, kdamball, burakukula, gregferg, marcolink, gosiaszporer, miretxu, djagya, z0al, felixboenke, mspagnolo, thomas.spiesser, guisantos, cezarluiz0, kbarnett, jwhiles, anho, erdener, sonac, didi96, fadynaffa3, jhbabon, fs, cgrabo, frida.kiriakos, dana_grn, antesepiccontentful, andipaetzold-cf, eva.martinez, lucabianconi, denkristoffer, luizfonseca, juliabiro, vinz93, jbourne, 0mathcrap, damienxy, roryscarson, m99coder-cf, akolosovich, loweisz, thomas.contentful, marceltoben, arnav.luthra, anwar.ahmad, massao, alexdts-cf, bohdan.hutsol, contentful-ecosystem, vida.momenzadeh, yuri.mazursky, rebecca.koenig, annmary,