
monitor and restrict activity on a webpage
monitoring proctoring face detection no face detection multiple face detection tab switch window resize


Your secret weapon for exam integrity. With precise monitoring, ensure every test is fair and free from dishonesty. Elevate academic standards effortlessly with Monitorer.

Monitorer is your go-to tool for tracking tab-switches, monitoring face presence, spotting multiple faces, and detecting window resizing. Keep exams fair and focused with ease.

⚽️ Playground


πŸ”¨ Installation

npm install @coding-blocks/monitorer

πŸ§‘β€πŸ”§ Usage

import Monitorer from "@coding-blocks/monitorer";

// create a monitorer instance
const monitorerInstance = new Monitorer();

async function init() {
  // enable the services you want to track
  await monitorerInstance.enable({
    tabSwitch: true,
    noFace: true,

// listen for events fired on violation
window.addEventListener("monitorerfault", (e) => {
  if (e.code === "TAB_SWITCHED") {

  if (e.code === "NO_FACE_DETECTED") {


πŸ—ΊοΈ Guide

Creating Monitorer instance

To use monitorer, you have to create a Monitorer instance

import Monitorer from "@coding-block/monitorer";

const monitorerInstance = new Monitorer();

Enabling Monitorers

You can enable any or all of the four detectors (we call them monitorers) using the enable() method on the Monitorer instance.

  • Tab Switch detection tabSwitch
  • No Face detection noFace
  • Multiple Faces detection multipleFaces
  • Window Resize detection windowResize
  • Right Click detection rightClick
  • Keyboard events detection keyboard
// Enable tab switch and window resize detection
await monitorerInstance.enable({
  tabSwitch: true,
  windowResize: true,

To enable all the monitorers, do not pass anything to enable()

// Enable all the monitorers
await monitorerInstance.enable();


🚧 enable() is an asynchronous method.

type enable = (options?: MonitorerEnableOptions): Promise<void>;

type MonitorerEnableOptions = {
  tabSwitch?: true;       // enable tab switch detection
  windowResize?: true;    // enable window resize detection
  windowMove?: true;      // enable window move detection
  noFace?: true;          // enable no face detection
  multipleFaces?: true    // enable multiple faces detection
  noise?: {               // enable noise detection
    volume: number
  rightClick?: true       // enable right click detection
  keyboard?: {            // enable keyboard events detection
    copy?: true,          // enable keyboard copy detection
    paste?: true,         // enable keyboard paste detection
    console?: true        // enable keyboard console detection

Listening for Monitorer Events

After enabling monitorers you can listen to thw following events on the window object.

Event name Description Event Type
monitorersuccess Success event MonitorerSuccessEvent
monitorerfault Fault event (Dispatched when violation occurs) MonitorerFaultEvent
monitorererror Error event (Dispatched when something went wrong) MonitorerErrorEvent

Example code to listen for monitorersuccess

// javascript
window.addEventListener("monitorersuccess", (e) => {

// typescript
window.addEventListener("monitorersuccess", ((
  e: CustomEvent<MonitorerSuccessEvent>
) => {
}) as EventListener);


type MonitorerSuccessEvent = {
  name: "monitorersuccess";
  message: string;
type MonitorerFaultEvent =
  | {
      name: "monitorerfault";
      message: string;
  | {
      name: "monitorerfault";
      message: string;
      imageBlob: Blob | null;
type MonitorerErrorEvent = {
  name: "monitorererror";
  code: string;
  message: string;

Disabling Monitorers

Similar to Enabling Monitorers

You can disable any or all of the four detectors (we call them monitorers) using the disable() method on the Monitorer instance.

  • Tab Switch detection tabSwitch
  • No Face detection noFace
  • Multiple Faces detection multipleFaces
  • Window Resize detection windowResize
  • Right Click detection rightClick
  • Keyboard events detection keyboard
// Disable tab switch and window resize detection
  tabSwitch: true,
  windowResize: true,

To disable all the monitorers, do not pass anything to disable()

// Disable all the monitorers


type disable = (options?: MonitorerDisableOptions): Promise<void>;

type MonitorerDisableOptions = {
  tabSwitch?: true;       // disable tab switch detection
  windowResize?: true;    // disable window resize detection
  windowMove?: true;      // disable window move detection
  noFace?: true;          // disable no face detection
  multipleFaces?: true    // disable multiple faces detection
  noise?: true            // disable noise detection
  rightClick?: true       // disable right click detection
  keyboard?:  true        // disable keyboard event detection

Made with ❀️ and 🧠 @CodingBlocks

npm i @coding-blocks/monitorer


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Zeeshan Adeen | Vibhu Dujari
  • released 5/17/2024
