
a multiwriter peer to peer filesystem
multiwriter dat kappa-core peerfs kappa-drive kappa


A multiwriter peer-to-peer filesystem. Supports Hyperdrive V10.


See test/index.test.js for examples.


var drive = KappaDrive(storage, key, opts)

Returns a KappaCore instance. Passes these options directly to that instance.

In addition, peerfs accepts the following optional arguments:

  • resolveFork: a function taking values of known versions of that file. If there are more than one here, there is a fork. By default, this returns the first item in the list. Overwrite this to get more fancy.


Replicate between two peer-fs instances.

drive.readFile(filename, cb)

Read asyncronously.

drive.writeFile(filename, content, cb)

Write asyncronously.

drive.createWriteStream(filename, cb)

Write to a stream.

drive.createReadStream(filename, cb)

Read file from a stream.




Huge credit to Karissa for ideating and writing peerfs and allowing us to run with it and complete the API.

:black_heart: :purple_heart: :green_heart:


  • Move all of the functions over from hyperdrive to the top constructor instance. (e.g., readdir, stat)
  • Improve performance and stability of index writes by using something other than JSON.
  • Allow resolveFork function to get access to the stat object of the file on that write so that it can make a more intelligent display or make better decisions about the fork
  • Allow forks to be unresolved cc @substack
  • When writing, in the link we should record the seq of the hyperdrive, and on whoHasFile, checkout to that seq if its not the latest
npm i @coboxcoop/peer-fs


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Karissa McKelvey
  • released 7/30/2019

