
Clark's config for ember-template-lint
ember-template-lint ember-template-lint-plugin ember-template-lint-config hbs handlebars htmlbars



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The configuration for ember-template-lint we use across all of our Ember.js projects.


Install the dependencies:

# Install `ember-template-lint` itself and our config
yarn add -D ember-template-lint @clark/ember-template-lint-config

# Remove the linting integration into ember-cli
yarn remove ember-cli-template-lint

Update or create the .template-lintrc.js:

'use strict';

module.exports = {
  plugins: ['@clark/ember-template-lint-config'],
  extends: 'clark:octane'

Add the lint:hbs script to the package.json, in case it does not exist yet:

  "name": "my-awesome-app",
  "scripts": {
    "lint:hbs": "ember-template-lint ."
  "devDependencies": {
    "@clark/ember-template-lint-config": "^0.1.0",
    "ember-template-lint:" "^1.8.1"

Don't forget to run yarn lint:hbs in CI!


This package exports two configurations you can extend from.


This is the recommended default configuration to use. It extends the official octane config and makes the following changes to it:


This config extends clark:octane and disables a few rules, so that the linter does not go crazy on code that was written pre-Octane. Use this config for legacy packages, when clark:octane throws too many, not easily fixable errors. Ideally though, migrate your code.

The following rules are disabled:

Q & A

Why remove ember-cli-template-lint?

ember-cli-template-lint is a wrapper around the actual ember-template-lint, that integrates it into the linting pipeline of ember-cli. We strongly agree with RFC #121 "Remove ember-cli-eslint" and believe that the linting pipeline, as it is implemented in ember-cli, is hacky and should not run alongside the browser tests.

Instead we run all our lint jobs as extra steps in CI.

npm i @clark/ember-template-lint-config


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Jan Buschtöns
  • released 8/15/2020
