
A Civic-Pass derivation library for Solana

Gateway Derive

An extension to the Identity.com Gateway solution that allows one pass type (a.k.a. gatekeeper network) to be derived from another.


The core idea here is as follows:

  • There is an equivalence between a Gatekeeper Network and a Pass Type. All passes issued from the same gatekeeper network are treated as equivalent during on-chain validation.
  • It may be necessary to validate that a user has more than one pass. For example, if one pass verifies that a user meets the requirement of being over 18, and another verifies that they are not in a blocked country, then a smart contract may wish to verify that the user meets both requirements.
  • No authority is necessary to issue a pass based solely on the possession of constituent passes.

This smart contract allows for the generation of derived pass types, that are issued if a caller presents a wallet with active passes from each of the constituent pass types.

Derived Pass issuance is "self-serve" i.e. the recipient of the pass is the only signer needed. This makes it ideal for integrating with dApps.



  • A Derived Pass Type is a gatekeeper network, from the point of view of the Gateway Program, but unlike a standard gatekeeper network, it is a PDA, owned by the GatewayDerive program.
  • A Constituent Pass Type is a gatekeeper network. This can be a standard gatekeeper network, or a derived one.
  • The gatekeeper for a derived pass is also a PDA, owned by the GatewayDerive program. In essence, this means that the program is the gatekeeper for the derived pass, and is the only entity that can issue tokens on it.


Constituent pass issuers can register a Fee for use of a constituent pass in a derived pass issuance.

Fees are paid from the derived pass recipient to the gatekeeper(s) that issued the constituent passes. Fees are registered per gatekeeper network + gatekeeper.

Note: SOL only is supported at present, with plans to support SPL-Tokens in the future.


This program is limited in what it can do, and care should be taken that it is not used in a way that is not intended.

  • After issuance, the validity of the derived pass type is independent of the validity of the constituent passes. This means, a constituent pass can be revoked or frozen, and the derived pass will still be considered valid. The solution to this is to set an expiry time on the derived pass
  • The current implementation supports "AND" only logic, when evaluating constituent passes. A potential improvement would be to allow derived passes that contain "OR" or "NOT", logic, allowing for alternative passes (in jurisdiction A OR in jurisdiction B, for example), or blacklists (does not possess token X).


This application uses Anchor. To create an Anchor provider from a Solana wallet and connection, do the following:

import * as anchor from "@project-serum/anchor";
import { Connection } from "@solana/web3.js";

const connection = new Connection(...);

// If running locally via a script (most typical during derived pass creation),
// this can be obtained from a Keypair using:
const wallet = new anchor.Wallet(keypair);

// if using solana-wallet-adapter (e.g. during issuance on a dApp),
// this will be the wallet provided by the adapter
const wallet = useWallet();

const provider = new anchor.AnchorProvider({
  opts: anchor.AnchorProvider.defaultOptions(),

Create a new derived pass

The provider is an authority keypair, used once during creation of the derived pass.

import { DerivedPassService } from "@civic/solana-derived-pass";

const service = await DerivedPassService.build(provider);

const [txSignature, derivedPass] = await service.derivePass([
  new PublicKey("..."), // pass 1
  new PublicKey("..."), // pass 2

Keep the authority public key, and derived pass public key, and add it to the dApp.

Issuing a pass

import { DerivedPassService } from "@civic/solana-derived-pass";

const service = await DerivedPassService.build(provider);
const [txSignature, gatewayToken] = await service.issue(authority, derivedPass);

Setting a fee

Create an anchor provider with the gatekeeper wallet.

import { DerivedPassService } from "@civic/solana-derived-pass";

const gatekeeperService = await DerivedPassService.build(provider);
const fee = 100_000_000 // 0.1 SOL 
const txSignature = await gatekeeperService.setFee(gatekeeperNetwork, fee);

Fees can be changed after being set:

const new_fee = 200_000_000 // 0.2 SOL 
const txSignature = await gatekeeperService.setFee(gatekeeperNetwork, fee);

or removed:

const txSignature = await gatekeeperService.unsetFee(gatekeeperNetwork);

A fee can also be set for refresh (see expiry below)

const txSignature = await gatekeeperService.setFee(gatekeeperNetwork, issueFee, refreshFee);

Creating a pass with expiry

import { DerivedPassService } from "@civic/solana-derived-pass";

const service = await DerivedPassService.build(provider);

const [txSignature, derivedPass] = await service.derivePass([
  new PublicKey("..."), // pass 1
  new PublicKey("..."), // pass 2
], {
  expireDuration: 60 * 60 * 24 // expires after one day

Creating a pass that can be expired on use

If you want the pass to require refresh after every use, then you can use the expireOnUse option.

This is useful for component passes that have short expiry, so that the state of the component pass is checked automatically on every use.

Note: For the expireOnUse function to be executed, the integrating program must also call the expireToken instruction on the gateway program via CPI. ExpireOnUse does not happen automatically.

import { DerivedPassService } from "@civic/solana-derived-pass";

const service = await DerivedPassService.build(provider);

const [txSignature, derivedPass] = await service.derivePass([
  new PublicKey("..."), // pass 1
  new PublicKey("..."), // pass 2
], {
  expireOnUse: true

You may also want a single-use pass. For this, use the option:

refreshDisabled: true

alongside the expireOnUse feature.

npm i @civic/solana-derived-pass


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Daniel Kelleher
  • released 6/25/2022
