
An abstraction around proof of ownership using DIDs


The intention of this library is to provide an abstraction layer for retrieving a user’s DID and publicKey, as well as requesting proof by signing a message or transaction and finally verifying the proof is valid.

The following diagram can be used as reference in order to illustrate how the library will be used between the different Civic systems.

Getting Started with Solana

import { CivicSignProveFactory } from '@civic/civic-sign';
import { Keypair, Transaction } from '@solana/web3.js';

const keys = Keypair.generate();

const wallet: SolanaWalletAdapter = {
    publicKey: keys.publicKey,
    signTransaction: (transaction: Transaction) => {
        return Promise.resolve(transaction);

const { requestDid, requestProof, verify } = CivicSignProveFactory.createWithSolanaWallet(wallet);
const { did } = requestDid();
const signedProof = requestProof();
const verifiedProofResult = verifyProof(signedProof, did);

console.log(did, signedProof, verifiedProofResult);

Getting Started with Ethereum

import { CivicSignProveFactory } from '@civic/civic-sign';
import { Wallet } from 'ethers';

const wallet = Wallet.createRandom();
const walletAdapter = {
    signTypedData: (domain: TypedDataDomain, types: Record<string, TypedDataField[]>, value: EthPowoMessage) => {
        return wallet._signTypedData(domain, types, value);
    verifierAddress: 'verifierAddress',

const { requestDid, requestProof, verify } = CivicSignProveFactory.createWithEthereumWallet(walletAdapter);
const { did } = requestDid();
const signedProof = requestProof();
const verifiedProofResult = verifyProof(signedProof);

console.log(did, signedProof, verifiedProofResult);

Getting Started with ICP

import { CivicSignProveFactory } from '@civic/civic-sign';

const wallet = {

const { requestDid, requestProof, verify } = CivicSignProveFactory.createWithICPWallet(wallet);

const { did } = requestDid();
const signedProof = requestProof();
const verifiedProofResult = verifyProof(signedProof);

console.log(did, signedProof, verifiedProofResult);

Public Api

CivicSign has the following public Api methods available. Please refer to the docs for additional information available in the project.

Instantiating an instance with CivicSignProveFactory

Method Description Returns
createWithSolanaWallet create an instance of CivicSign with an instance of a SolanaWalletAdapter CivicSignProve
createWithEthereumWallet create an instance of CivicSign with an instance of a EthereumGatewayWallet CivicSignProve
createWithSolanaInIframe create an instance of CivicSign for communicating with a remote instance of a Solana Wallet CivicSignProve
createWithEthereumInIframe create an instance of CivicSign for communicating with a remote instance of an Ethereum Wallet CivicSignProve

Public Methods availabe from CivicSignProve

Method Description Returns
requestDid requests a DID from a wallet instance or remotely Promise
requestProof requests a proof to be signed either through a wallet instance or remotely Promise
signMessage requests the user to sign a message Promise

Verifying a proof

Method Description Returns
verify verify a proof that was returned from requestProof is valid Promise

Checking wallet DID ownership

To check whether a given wallet owns a given DID:

import { walletOwnsDID } from '@civic/civic-sign';

const walletAddress = '016752701213E0D5Ee093A355c4d8e16b15525177e3C97DB5F9E2AC7C69F5Bfd52';
const did = 'did:key:z6MkmQaws5ASXmntxzybdK4piNKTFQh17cJK3JEURfhbMX2Z';
const doesWalletOwnDid = await walletOwnsDID(walletAddress, did);

This will:

  • resolve the DID
  • Get all authorized keys on the DID document (i.e. VerificationMethods that appear in the capabilityInvocations or authentication lists )
  • For each of those keys, check if they match the given wallet address by asking chain-specific conversion code for each of the supported chains.
  • If there are any matches, return true.

Building the library


The following commands are availabe when contriburing to the project.

yarn lint

Checks that the project lints successfully. This automatically gets run before building the project.

yarn test

Checks that all unit and integration tests pass. This automatically gets run before building the project.

yarn generateDocs

Generate docs based on the available types in the project.

yarn publish

Published a new version of the CivicSign library to NPM. Running the command will build the dist folder before continuing to publish.

npm i @civic/civic-sign


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 9/20/2024
