
Listen on both HTTP and HTTPS


Multilisten makes it super easy to listen on both HTTP and HTTPS, using the same app instance.

Example Usage

var app = function(req, res) {
  res.end('Hello World');

multilisten(app, {
  mode: 'redirect',
  sslOptions: {
    cert: '<certificate>',
    key: '<key>'

 * App is now listening on both ports 80 and 443, and will automatically
 * redirect from HTTP to HTTPS.


multilisten(app, options)


app is any Javascript function that can serve as a request listener, with the signature:

function(request, response) { }

The app exposed by Express is fully compatible, so Multilisten will work with any Express-based application with minimal modification.


options.httpPort The port for the HTTP server to listen on. Default 80

options.httpsPort The port for the HTTPS server to listen on. Default 443

options.sslOptions Options for the HTTPS server, passed directly to Node's HTTPS module

options.httpsBaseURL The base URL to redirect HTTP requests to

If this is not specified, only the protocol will be changed (e.g. http://domain.com/blah will be redirected to https://domain.com/blah, ignoring ports).

If it is specified (e.g. with https://domain.com:8443), a the path will be appended (e.g. http://domain:8000/blah will be redirected to https://domain.com:8443). Please be careul to include HTTPS in the base URL, otherwise it is possible to redirect to an unsecure endpoint.


The mode determines which servers Multilisten will use to listen, and how they will respond. There are 4 possible modes: http, https, both, and redirect. Default redirect

Mode HTTP Response HTTPS Response Description
http Handled by app Disabled Listen on HTTP only
https Disabled Handled by app Listen on HTTPS only
both Handled by app Handled by app Use either HTTP or HTTPS
redirect Redirect to HTTPS Handled by app Force HTTPS (default)
npm i @carsondarling/multilisten


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Carson Darling
  • released 7/21/2015

