
Command-line helpers for bcrypt fun!


Provides basic tools for working with bcrypt. These are definitely not "battle-hardened", or production-worth, just something I threw together to make it a bit easier during development.

Package provides two scripts: bcrypt and debcrypt.

Both scripts have 3 different input options for the raw text: (1) via positional arguments, (2) via standard input, (3) via a password-like prompt.

In addition, bcrypt only outputs the hashed value to stdout, so that it works well with piping.


npm install -g @carsondarling/bcrypt-cli

Depending on the OS you are running on it can be necessary to install the Node.js native addon build tool and rebuild the bcrypt module:

# Install the native addon build tool
npm install -g node-gyp

# cd in the dir where node modules are (may differ depending on your distro, /usr/local/lib/node_modules is a sensible alternative)
cd /usr/lib/node_modules/
cd @carsondarling/bcrypt-cli/node_modules/bcrypt

node-gyp rebuild

Example Usage

$ bcrypt
Raw text: ****************

$ bcrypt raw-text

$ cat filename | bcrypt

$ debcrypt '$2a$10$vjmnk..OEgxkHxI0.Nw8u.nXDA.pERxqiboSP4WqOoqkLwM/2dE4C'
Raw text: ********

$ debcrypt '$2a$10$vjmnk..OEgxkHxI0.Nw8u.nXDA.pERxqiboSP4WqOoqkLwM/2dE4C' raw-text

$ echo -n 'raw-text' | debcrypt '$2a$10$vjmnk..OEgxkHxI0.Nw8u.nXDA.pERxqiboSP4WqOoqkLwM/2dE4C'

$ debcrypt $(bcrypt test-secret) test-secret

# On OS X:
$ bcrypt | pbcopy
Raw text: *******************

$ pbpaste


usage: bcrypt [-h] [-v] [-s SALT] [-V] [-r ROUNDS] [rawText]

Bcrypt ALL the things!

Positional arguments:
  rawText               The data to encrypt

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  -v, --version         Show program's version number and exit.
  -s SALT, --salt SALT  Pre-generated salt
  -V, --verbose         Enable verbose output
  -r ROUNDS, --rounds ROUNDS
                        Number of rounds to use (default 10)


usage: debcrypt [-h] [-v] [-Q] hash [rawText]

Check a value against it's bcrypted hash

Positional arguments:
  hash           The bcrypted hash
  rawText        The raw text to check

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help     Show this help message and exit.
  -v, --version  Show program's version number and exit.
  -Q, --quiet    Disable verbose output
npm i @carsondarling/[email protected]


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Carson Darling
  • released 8/12/2015

