
Enable TwitterKit features for Capacitor
capacitor plugin native twitter twitter kit twitter ios twitter android

Capacitor Twitter


Capacitor community plugin for enabling TwitterKit capabilities




Maintainer GitHub Social
Stewan Silva stewones @stewones

Notice 🚀

We're starting fresh under an official org. If you were using the previous npm package capacitor-twitter, please update your package.json to @capacitor-community/twitter. Check out changelog for more info.


Using npm:

npm install @capacitor-community/twitter

Using yarn:

yarn add @capacitor-community/twitter

Sync native files:

npx cap sync


  • Login
  • Logout
  • isLogged


import { Twitter } from "@capacitor-community/twitter";
const twitter = new Twitter();

  .then((r) => console.log(r)) // { authToken:string, authTokenSecret:string, userName:string, userID:string }
  .catch((err) => console.log(err));

  .then((r) => console.log(r)) // returns { in: boolean, out: boolean }
  .catch((err) => console.log(err));


iOS setup

  • ionic start my-cap-app --capacitor
  • cd my-cap-app
  • npm install —-save @capacitor-community/twitter
  • mkdir www && touch www/index.html
  • npx cap add ios
  • add the consumer keys at capacitor.config.json
  "plugins": {
   "TwitterPlugin": {
      "consumerKey": "xxx",
      "consumerSecret": "yyy"
  • npx cap open ios
  • sign your app at xcode (general tab)
  • add a new url type at Xcode (info tab) and make sure the url scheme follows the format twitterkit-your_consumer_api_key (grab a key at twitter developer site)
  • also at twitter developer site, add a new callback url in the same format: twitterkit-your_consumer_api_key:// (with nothing behind it)

Then you should be set to go. Run ionic cap run ios --livereload to start the server and play it through xcode

Important Notice: every time you change a native code you may need to clean the cache (Product > Clean build folder) and then run the app again.

Android setup

  • ionic start my-cap-app --capacitor
  • cd my-cap-app
  • npm install —-save @capacitor-community/twitter
  • mkdir www && touch www/index.html
  • npx cap add android
  • add the consumer keys at capacitor.config.json
  "plugins": {
   "TwitterPlugin": {
      "consumerKey": "xxx",
      "consumerSecret": "yyy"
  • at twitter developer site, add this callback url: twittersdk:// (with nothing behind it)
  • [extra step] in android case we need to tell Capacitor to initialise the plugin:

on your MainActivity.java file add import com.getcapacitor.community.twitter.TwitterPlugin; and then inside the init callback add(TwitterPlugin.class);

Now you should be set to go. Try ionic cap run android --livereload to start the server and play/debug it through Android Studio

Important Notice: every time you change a native code you may need to clean the cache (Build > Clean Project | Build > Rebuild Project) and then run the app again.




Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


💻 📖

Luca Ban




This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

npm i @capacitor-community/twitter


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Stewan Silva
  • released 6/3/2022
