
Polymer components for BYU Undergrad Admissions apps

Admissions Polymer Components

Includes a set of polymer web components to be used across BYU Undergraduate Admissions web apps.


The simplest way to install the component is with Bower. Run bower install admissions-polymer-components and the necesary files will be installed in a bower_components directory.

To use the components, include the web component loader polyfill and the desired components.

<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-loader.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="../admit-fieldset.html">
<link rel="import" href="../admit-heading-section.html">
<link rel="import" href="../admit-table.html">
<link rel="import" href="../admit-table-row.html">


Prefaces its content with a standard header.


  • title The heading text
  • subsection If set, the section uses a smaller heading size, and can't be collapsed.
  • collapse If set, the section is collapsible.
  • is-collapsed If set, the section is collapsed.


<admit-heading-section title="Admissions">
    <!-- Content goes here -->

admit-fieldset / admit-fieldset-row / admit-field

An admit-fieldset wraps any number of admit-field elements into a vertical 2-column layout with a heading. For multi-column layouts, you may use admit-fieldset-row elements instead.

admit-fieldset Attributes

  • title The heading text
  • collapse If set, the field set is collapsible.

admit-field Attributes

  • label The field's label (can be omitted)
  • value The field's value
  • emphasis If set, the field value will be bold


<admit-fieldset title="Applicant" collapse>
    <admit-field label="Name" value="John Doe"></admit-field>
    <admit-field label="Age" value="15"></admit-field>
    <admit-field label="" value="Young Applicant!" emphasis></admit-field>

Using multi-column layout:

<admit-fieldset title="Clearances" collapse>
        <span class="label">Endorsement</span>
        <span>Not Endorsed</span>
        <a class="action">clear</a>
        <span class="label">Dept Interest Flag</span>
        <a class="action">remove</a>
        <span class="label"></span>
        <a class="action">remove</a>
        <span class="label"></span>
        <a class="action">+add flag</a>

admit-table / admit-table-row

An admit-table creates a simple data table with column headings. Each row in the table is wrapped in an admit-table-row element, and must have an equal number of sub-elements for each cell in the table.

admit-table Attributes

  • columns A comma separated list of column headers. If a column doesn't require a header, set it to -. If a column header is prefixed with #, the text will be centered (good for numeric columns for example).


<admit-table columns="-,Date,#Score">
        <span>Apr 2015</span>
        <span style="text-align: center;">30</span>
        <span>May 2016</span>
        <span style="text-align: center;">1400</span>


Creates a simple circle with one of 5 color values.

admit-color-circle Attributes

  • color-index The color assigned to the circle. These values can be configured with the css variables --admit-color-circle-color[0-5]. Default values are:
    • 0: Navy
    • 1: Blue
    • 2: Light Blue
    • 3: Yellow
    • 4: Red
  • active Indicates that this circle is active


<admit-color-circle color-index="0" on-click="setValue(0)"></admit-color-circle>
<admit-color-circle color-index="1" on-click="setValue(1)"></admit-color-circle>
<admit-color-circle color-index="2" active on-click="setValue(2)"></admit-color-circle>
<admit-color-circle color-index="3" on-click="setValue(3)"></admit-color-circle>
<admit-color-circle color-index="4" on-click="setValue(4)"></admit-color-circle>
npm i @byu-oit/[email protected]

