
This library provides the core blockchain infrastructure for running Burner Wallets.


This library provides the core blockchain infrastructure for running Burner Wallets.

Unlike most Burner Wallet modules, this module is framework-agnostic and written in plain Javascript. It should work fine in browsers, web workers and Node.

import { xdai, dai, eth } from '@burner-wallet/assets';
import BurnerCore from '@burner-wallet/core';
import { InjectedSigner, LocalSigner } from '@burner-wallet/core/signers';
import { InfuraGateway, InjectedGateway, XDaiGateway } from '@burner-wallet/core/gateways';

const core = new BurnerCore({
  signers: [
    new InjectedSigner(),
    new LocalSigner()
  gateways: [
    new InjectedGateway(),
    new InfuraGateway(process.env.REACT_APP_INFURA_KEY),
    new XDaiGateway(),
  assets: [xdai, dai, eth],


For full documentation, visit https://burner-wallet.readthedocs.io/

Burner Core

The root class facilitates communication between gateways, signers & assets. It also provides applications with data such as a list of current addresses.


Gateways facilitate communication with blockchain networks.

This module contains the following gateways:

  • InfuraGateway: Provides access to mainnet Ethereum and all testnets. Requires an API key
  • RivetGateway: Provides access to mainnet Ethereum and most testnets. Requires an API key
  • XDaiGateway: Provides access to xDai chain
  • HTTPGateway: Provides access to any Ethereum chain by providing a JSON-RPC URL
  • InjectedGateway: Connect to the chain provided by an injected Web3 provider
  • GSNGateway: Route transactions through Gas Station Network relayers. Supports mainnet, testnets & xDai


Signers are responsible for signing transactions and messages, as well as reporting the list of available accounts.

This module contains two signers:

  • LocalSigner: stores a private key in the browser's localstorage
  • InjectedSigner: signs using an injected web3 provider such as Metamask

An abstract class Signer is available for other modules that want to define their own signers (example: FortmaticSigner).

BurnerCore also automatically adds TempSigner. TempSigner is functionally similar to LocalSigner, and allows wallets to temporarily add a new account. This is mainly used for transfering assets while switching accounts.


Assets represent fungible assets. View the @burner-wallet/assets package for more details.

npm i @burner-wallet/core


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 7/19/2021

