
This is the runtime library package for Connect-Query. You'll find its code generator at [@bufbuild/protoc-gen-connect-query](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@bufbuild/protoc-gen-connect-query).


This is the runtime library package for Connect-Query. You'll find its code generator at @bufbuild/protoc-gen-connect-query.

Connect-Query is an expansion pack for TanStack Query (react-query), written in TypeScript and thoroughly tested. It enables effortless communication with servers that speak the Connect Protocol.

The procedures are defined in a Protocol Buffer schema implemented by your backend, and Connect-Query generates the clients and related types to access the backend with TanStack Query. The clients support two protocols: gRPC-web, and Connect's own protocol.

To get started, head over to the docs for a tutorial, or take a look at our examples for integration with various frameworks.

npm i @bufbuild/connect-query

