
Pure JavaScript MP3 Encoder
mp3 encoder audio webaudio


This is a fork from https://github.com/zhuker/lamejs.

You can check the README of the original repository to learn about its functions and usage.

The lamejs package originally published on npmjs is not the latest version of github main branch, and it may report an ReferenceError: MPEGMode is not defined

The original version also does not provide esmodule and Typescript definition support, which makes it troublesome for developers in some newer projects.

This forked version is published on npmjs as @breezystack/lamejs, and it is the latest version of github main branch.

It also provides esmodule and very brief Typescript definition support.

At the same time, support for the bower was removed.


To install npm or pnpm, simply do the following:

$ pnpm add @breezystack/lamejs


$ npm install @breezystack/lamejs

Quick Start

<script src='lamejs.iife.js'></script>

or import as a esmodule:

<script type="module" src="lamejs.js"></script>

node.js env or use with a bundler,

firstly install the package:

second, import it:

import * as lame from '@breezystack/lamejs';

or commonjs

const lame = require('@breezystack/lamejs');

Read More on https://github.com/zhuker/lamejs

npm i @breezystack/[email protected]


  • LGPL-3.0
  • Whatever
  • Alex Zhukov
  • released 10/16/2023

