
Hadron serialization module
hadron brainhub hadron-serialization


npm install @brainhubeu/hadron-serialization --save

More info about installation


Serializer allows You to quickly and easy shape and parse data way You want it. You just need to create schema (in json file, or as simple object) and You are ready to go!s

Initializing as Hadron package

Pass package as an argument for hadron bootstrapping function:

// ... importing and initializing other components

hadron(expressApp, [require('@brainhubeu/hadron-serialization')], config);

That way, You should be able to get it from Container like that:

const serializer = container.take('serializer');
  name: 'User',
  properties: [ ... ],

// ...

const data = { ... };
serializer.serialize(data, 'User');
// or
const data = new User();

Initializing without Hadron

Just import serializerProvider function from package and pass there Your schemas and parsers.

const serializerProvider = require('@brainhubeu/hadron-serialization');

const serializer = serializerProvider({
  schemas: mySchemas,
  parsers: {
    superParser: (value) => `Super ${value}`,
  // ...


If You are using hadron application, You just need to add to it's config schemas and set of parsers:

const config = {
  // ...
  serializer: {
    schemas: [ ... ],
    parser: [ ... ],

If You are using TypeScript, You can just implement exported interface ISerializerConfig

interface ISerializerConfig {
  parsers?: object;
  schemas?: ISerializationSchema[];


Serializer contain three methods.

serialize(data, groups, schemaName);
  • data - object we want to serialize
  • groups - optional array of access groups, on default []
  • schemaName - name of schema, on default name of passed object
  • schemaObj - schema object we want to add
addParser(parser, name);

Adds parser that can be used in schemas, where:

  • parser is a method
  • name is name under which parser will be available


Schema is basic structure, that allows You to easily define your desired object. You can provider them as json file. F.e.

  "name": "User",
  "properties": [
    { "name": "name", "type": "string" },
    { "name": "address", "type": "string", "groups": ["admin"] },
      "name": "money",
      "type": "number",
      "parsers": ["currency"],
      "groups": ["admin"]
      "name": "friends",
      "type": "array",
      "properties": [
        { "name": "name", "type": "string" },
        { "name": "profession", "type": "string", "groups": ["admin"] },
        { "name": "salary", "type": "number", "parsers": ["currency"] }

Each schema should contain name, which will be its identifier, and properties which should be an array of fields of defined schema.

All properties that are not defined in schema, will be excluded from the serialized data result.

If You are using TypeScript, You can just implement exported interface ISerializationSchema:

interface ISerializationSchema {
  name: string;
  properties: IProperty[];


Each property should contain such fields:

  • name - (required) name of the field
  • type - (required) one of such types:
    • string
    • number
    • bool
    • array
    • object
  • groups - array of strings, that will define accessibility to this field (link). If empty, such field if public and will be returned always.
  • parsers - array of parsers name, that should be run on this field, before it's returned
  • properties - array of properties, that are required in case of type object and array
  • serializedName - name of field after serialization

If You are using TypeScript, You can just implement exported interface IProperty:

interface IProperty {
  name: string;
  type: string;
  serializedName?: string;
  groups?: string[];
  parsers?: string[];
  properties?: IProperty[];


While defining schema, You can add groups parameter to properties. That way, while serializing data, You can specify serialization group.

const schema = {
  name: 'User',
  properties: [
    // ...
    { name: 'firstname', type: 'string' },
    { name: 'lastname', type: 'string', groups: ['friends'] }

// ...

const data = {
  firstname: 'John',
  lastname: 'Doe',
  id: 481,

console.log(serializer.serialize(data, [], 'User');
// { 'firstname': 'John' }

console.log(serializer.serialize(data, ['friends'], 'User');
// { 'firstname': 'John', 'lastname': 'Doe' }
npm i @brainhubeu/hadron-serialization


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Brainhub
  • released 6/4/2018
