
## Contributing



Follow the chakra-ui guidelines to add a new icon using the createIcon function.

The SVG must follow these rules:

  • The SVG is monochromatic (or follows the naming convention if colored).
  • You have replaced all fill="" attribute values with "currentColor".
  • The SVG viewport is a 24x24 square (e.g. viewBox="0 0 24 24") and the icon is centered both horizontally and vertically in it.
  • The .tsx file is named with pascal casing (e.g. CaretDown.tsx).
  • The .tsx file is named with appropriate suffixes, in the correct order (e.g. Tick.tsx, TickCircle.tsx, TickCircleSolid.tsx).
    1. Circle if the icon is circled.
    2. Solid if the icon has a solid fill.
    3. Color if the icon cannot change its color.
  • The SVG file does not contain any font loading, styles or non-vector images.

Contact the designer if your icon has stroke attributes and ask them to convert it to fill so the icon scales correctly.

Once the file has been added, it must be exported in index.ts.

npm i @bnb-chain/icons


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 6/17/2022

