
Plugin to rename file extensions before they're emitted in rollup

Rename Extensions Plugin

Rollup plugin to take modules from RollUp and rename their file extensions. Useful for when using preserveModules. The plugin will also parse all modules code and rewrite imports/exports to match the new file name.


npm i --save-dev @betit/rollup-plugin-rename-extensions


As an example, heres how we can convert .ts .vue to .js and .vue.js respectively.

import renameExtensions from '@betit/rollup-plugin-rename-extensions';

// Rollup Configuration
export default {
    input: './src/index.js',
    preserveModules: true,
    /* ... */
    plugins: [
        // After transforms...
            include: ['**/*.ts', '**/*.vue'],
            mappings: {
                '.vue': '.vue.js',
                '.ts': '.js',


export interface IRenameExtensionsOptions {
     * Files to include for potential renames.
     * Also denotes files of which may import a renamed module in
     * order to update their imports.
    include?: Array<string | RegExp> | string | RegExp | null;

     * Files to explicitly exclude
    exclude?: Array<string | RegExp> | string | RegExp | null;

     * Generate source maps for the transformations.
    sourceMap?: boolean;

     * Babel plugins to use for parsing. Defaults to:
     * `dynamicImport`, `classProperties`, `objectRestSpread`
     * For a full list visit https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-parser#plugins
    parserPlugins?: ParserPlugin[];

     * Object describing the transformations to use.
     * IE. Input Extension => Output Extensions.
     * Extensions should include the dot for both input and output.
    mappings: Record<string, string>;
npm i @betit/rollup-plugin-rename-extensions


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Thomas Caserta
  • released 10/8/2019
