
Simple plugin for Leaflet that adds fullscreen button to your maps.
leaflet plugins maps fullscreen angular


Version License: MIT

@bepo65/leaflet.fullscreen is a clone of the project brunob/leaflet.fullscreen. Modifications were made to adapt it to the requirements of typescript users, e.g. for Angular (tested) and React (not tested).


Simple plugin for Leaflet that adds fullscreen button to your maps.
Inspired by http://elidupuis.github.com/leaflet.zoomfs/.

Uses the native javascript fullscreen API with help of https://github.com/sindresorhus/screenfull.js.


Typescript environments:

npm i @bepo65/leaflet.fullscreen

This package includes the type definitions needed for typescript environments.

Plain javascript environments:

Include screenfull.js, Control.FullScreen.js and Control.FullScreen.css in your page. The package screenfull.js must stand before Control.FullScreen.js and can be loaded from a CDN:

 <link rel="stylesheet" href="Control.FullScreen.css" />
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/screenfull.js/5.1.0/screenfull.min.js"></script>
 <script src="Control.FullScreen.js"></script>

Example for usage

If your map has a zoomControl, the fullscreen button will be added at the bottom of this one.
If your map doesn't have a zoomContron, the fullscreen button will be added to topleft corner of the map (same as the zoomcontrol; defined by the position option).

If you want to use the plugin on a map embedded in an iframe, don't forget to set allowfullscreen attribute on your iframe.

Typescript environments:

Add the fullscreen control to the map:

import * as leaflet from 'leaflet';
import '@bepo65/leaflet.fullscreen';

  selector: 'my-app',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {
  private map: leaflet.Map;

  // configuration of initial map
  private readonly osmDe = {
    url: 'https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.de/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
    options: {
      detectRetina: true,
      maxZoom: 18,
      attribution: '&copy; <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
  private mapOptions: leaflet.MapOptions = {
    layers: [
      leaflet.tileLayer(this.osmDe.url, this.osmDe.options)
    center: leaflet.latLng([47.732889, 11.8123253]),
    zoomControl: true,
    zoomSnap: 0.25,
    zoom: 10,
    fullscreenControl: true,
    fullscreenControlOptions: {
      position: 'topleft',
      title: 'fullscreen map',
      titleCancel: 'exit fullscreen display'
  } ;

  ngAfterViewInit(): void {
    this.map = new leaflet.Map('map', this.mapOptions);
    this.map.on('enterFullscreen', () => console.log('enterFullscreen'));
    this.map.on('exitFullscreen', () => console.log('exitFullscreen'));

Plain javascript environments:

Add the fullscreen control to the map:

var map = new L.Map('map', {
  fullscreenControl: true,
  fullscreenControlOptions: {
    position: 'topleft'

Events of leaflet.fullscreen

map.on('enterFullscreen', () => {
  console.log('entered fullscreen');

map.on('exitFullscreen', () => {
  console.log('exited fullscreen');

Methods of leaflet.fullscreen

  // you can also toggle fullscreen from map object

// create a fullscreen button and add it to the map
  position: 'topleft',
  title: 'Show me the fullscreen !',
  titleCancel: 'Exit fullscreen mode',
  content: null,
  forceSeparateButton: true,
  forcePseudoFullscreen: true,
  fullscreenElement: false

Options of leaflet.fullscreen

position: 'topleft', // change the position of the button can be topleft, topright, bottomright or bottomleft, defaut topleft
title: 'Show me the fullscreen !', // change the title of the button, default Full Screen
titleCancel: 'Exit fullscreen mode', // change the title of the button when fullscreen is on, default Exit Full Screen
content: null, // change the content of the button, can be HTML, default null
forceSeparateButton: true, // force seperate button to detach from zoom buttons, default false
forcePseudoFullscreen: true, // force use of pseudo full screen (show fullscreen in element and not in whole browser window) even if full screen API is available, default false
fullscreenElement: false // Dom element to render in full screen, false by default, fallback to map._container

Where to find more information

Source code : https://github.com/BePo65/leaflet.fullscreen

Demo with plain javascript : https://BePo65.github.com/leaflet.fullscreen/

External dependencies : https://www.npmjs.com/package/screenfull


For list of changes and bugfixes, see CHANGELOG.md.


The CHANGELOG.md is generated with standard-changelog (npm run release). The following is the list of supported scopes:

  • fullscreen
  • none/empty string: useful for test and refactor changes that are done across all packages (e.g. test: add missing unit tests) and for docs changes that are not related to a specific package (e.g. docs: fix typo in tutorial).


Bernhard Pottler

on Github: @BePo65


Copyright © 2021 Bernhard Pottler.

This project and all of its packages are released under MIT license.

This project is based on the project brunob/leaflet.fullscreen with copyright from Bruno Bergot.

npm i @bepo65/[email protected]


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • BePo65
  • released 2/9/2021

