
Get latest versions of packages
npm check updates latest current next version pkg package and 4 more...


📦 Get latest versions of packages.

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✅ Get installed versions of packages (if installed locally or globally with npm or yarn)
✅ Get latest and next versions of packages (from package registries)
✅ Get wanted version of packages (if a version range or a tag is provided)
✅ Check if any updates are available
✅ Cache support to increase data retrieval performance
✅ Support public/private repositories and proxies
✅ Command line tool that helps visualize packages updates


npm install @badisi/latest-version --save
yarn add @badisi/latest-version



/** CommonJS */
// const { readFileSync } = require('fs');
// const latestVersion = require('@badisi/latest-version');

/** ESM / Typescript */
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import latestVersion from '@badisi/latest-version';

(async () => {
    // Single package
    const pkg = await latestVersion('npm');

    // List of packages
    const pkgs = await latestVersion(['npm', '[email protected]', 'npm@beta', '@scope/name@^5.0.2']);

    // Package.json
    const pkgs = await latestVersion(JSON.parse(readFileSync('package.json').toString()));

    // Using cache
    const pkg = await latestVersion('npm@^5.0.2', { useCache: true });


Either a collection or a single LatestVersionPackage object:

interface LatestVersionPackage {
     * The name of the package.
    name: string;
     * The current local installed version of the package (if installed).
    local?: string;
     * The current npm global installed version of the package (if installed).
    globalNpm?: string;
     * The current yarn global installed version of the package (if installed).
    globalYarn?: string;
     * The latest version of the package found on the registry (if found).
    latest?: string;
     * The next version of the package found on the registry (if found).
    next?: string;
     * The tag or version range that was provided (if provided).
     * @default "latest"
    wantedTagOrRange?: string;
     * The latest version of the package found on the registry and satisfied by the wanted tag or version range.
    wanted?: string;
     * Whether the local or global installed versions (if any) could be upgraded or not, based on the wanted version.
    updatesAvailable: {
        local: string | false;
        globalNpm: string | false;
        globalYarn: string | false;
    } | false;
     * Any error that might have occurred during the process.
    error?: Error;


interface LatestVersionOptions {
     * Awaiting the api to return might take time, depending on the network, and might impact your package loading performance.
     * You can use the cache mechanism to improve load performance and reduce unnecessary network requests.
     * If `useCache` is not supplied, the api will always check for updates and wait for every requests to return before returning itself.
     * If `useCache` is used, the api will either (for each provided packages):
     * 1) return immediately if a cache was found.
     * 2) fetch and wait for updates of that particular package then creates a cache for it so that it is available for the next call to the api.
     * @default false
    useCache?: boolean;

     * How long the cache for each provided packages should be used before being refreshed (in milliseconds).
     * If `useCache` is not supplied, this option has no effect.
     * If `0` is used, this will force the cache to refresh immediately:
     * 1) New updates will be fetched and waited
     * 2) The cache for each provided packages will be refreshed and made available for the next call to the api
     * @default ONE_DAY
    cacheMaxAge?: number;

     * A JavaScript package registry url that implements the CommonJS Package Registry specification.
     * @default "Looks at any registry urls in the .npmrc file or fallback to the default npm registry instead"
     * @example <caption>.npmrc</caption>
     * registry = 'https://custom-registry.com/'
     * @pkgscope:registry = 'https://custom-registry.com/'
    registryUrl?: string;

     * Set of options to be passed down to Node.js http/https request.
     * @example <caption>Behind a proxy with self-signed certificate</caption>
     * { ca: fs.readFileSync('proxy-cert.pem') }
     * @example <caption>Bypassing certificate validation</caption>
     * { rejectUnauthorized: false }
    requestOptions?: RequestOptions;

Command line tool

The CLI utility will help you visualize any available updates for a given package.json file, a local package.json file or any provided package names.

$ latest-version <packageJson|packageName...>

    $ lv
    $ latest-version path/to/package.json
    $ latest-version package1 package2 package3 --skip-missing

CLI utility preview


See the developer docs.


> Want to Help ?

Want to file a bug, contribute some code or improve documentation ? Excellent!

But please read up first on the guidelines for contributing, and learn about submission process, coding rules and more.

> Code of Conduct

Please read and follow the Code of Conduct and help me keep this project open and inclusive.

npm i @badisi/latest-version


  • MIT
  • >= 18
  • Badisi
  • released 10/2/2024

