
Command-line-interface (CLI) to migrate an existing Parse app to Back4App
migrate parse back4app buddy

m2b4a - migrate-to-back4app

Command-line-interface (CLI) for migrating an existing app to Back4App: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@back4app/m2b4a

1 - Install Node.js (>= 8) and npm

If you don't have Node.js or npm installed in your machine, please take a look in this link: https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm

2 - Install @back4app/m2b4a

npm install -g @back4app/m2b4a

3 - Execute the migrate command


When the migration is finalized, you will receive a confirmation message with all your app credentials, including your new MongoDB database URI.

4 - Connect your current API to your new MongoDB database at Back4App

Now it is time to update your current API to use the new MongoDB database at Back4App so you can make sure that your current users will start reading and writing from/to Back4App. Use the URI that was printed in the end of the last step command execution.

5 - Connect your frontend code to Back4App

Now you need to change your frontend code to connect to Back4App API (https://parseapi.back4app.com) and use your new credentials what were printed in the step 4.

6 - Test your app and deploy the new versions to the store

That's the final step and once you have concluded it, your app is safe at Back4App!

7 - Optional: Import your cloud code using our CLI


  1. TIP: Use our CLI to upload your cloud code: https://www.back4app.com/docs/platform/command-line-interface
  2. TIP: Use the command 'b4a new' to download the directory structure to paste your cloud code files and 'b4a deploy' to upload them to your app.
  3. Back4App uses 2 main folders: "public/" to public files, like htmls, css, etc. and "cloud/" to private cloud code.
  4. Inside "cloud/" Back4App import 2 files. One named "app.js" for your custom api (app.get('/my-custom-api') for ex.) and "main.js" for Parse.Cloud functions and jobs
  5. VERY IMPORTANT! "app" (the express.js instance) and "Parse" variables are global. Don't install them on your package.json or require them in your cloud code (don't use require('express') or require('parse/node'), just use app and Parse variables).

8 - Getting help

If you need any assistance, please open a ticket at https://www.back4app.com or schedule an appointment with our engineering team using this link: https://calendly.com/back4app/

npm i @back4app/[email protected]


  • MIT
  • >=8
  • Back4App Inc.
  • released 5/10/2019

