
back{4}app implementations for the plataform's entity layer
back{4}app entity persistence backend data database orm

back4app entity layer implementations

Build Status

Table of contents

  • [Getting Started] (#getting-started)
  • [Dependencies] (#dependencies)
  • [Gulp] (#gulp)
  • [Building Files] (#building-files)
  • [Best Practices] (#best-practices)
  • [Publishing] (#publishing)

Getting Started

First of all, you need to install Node.js. To help you to manage different version of Node.js in your system is recommended that you use nvm. nvm is a Node.js version manager. Using it you will be able to have how many Node.js versions you want. To install it run this command:

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.25.4/install.sh | bash


wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.25.4/install.sh | bash

To enable the nvm, close and reopen the terminal. Now you can install the most recent stable version of Node.js. To do this just run this command:

nvm install stable

For further information about nvm check its repository.


To install all dependencies you should run this command:

npm install


Gulp is included on Development Dependencies. Running the previous command might install it. To install gulp you should run this command:

npm install gulp --global

Gulp Tasks


This task is used to maintain the established standards on code style and avoid syntax errors.

It uses gulp-jshint and gulp-jscs.

Best Practices

  • You should follow the configuration files, using it on your IDE. They're .editorconfig, .jscsrc and .jshintrc.

  • Try to always remember to run lint:

gulp lint
  • Create tests to any new major interactions, or changed ones.

  • Follow the code comment standards for documentations.


To publish a new patch version, checkout the master branch, pull the latest changes and run the following commands:

$ gulp dist
$ git add . && git commit -m 'Update version'
$ npm version patch
$ git push && git push --tags
$ npm publish

The new version should be accessible on npm.

npm i @back4app/[email protected]


  • Unlicense
  • Whatever
  • released 11/4/2015
