
NEAR Smart Contracts for Axelar Network
ethereum near axelar


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Exploring The Code

  1. The Axelar Authentication and Gateway smart-contract code lives in the /contract folder.
  2. The example smart-contract that supports communication with Gateway lives in the /executable-example folder.
  3. Test contract using: npm test, this will run the tests in integration-tests directory.

Quick Start

Install dependencies:

npm install

Build contract:

npm run build

Build and deploy your contract to TestNet with a temporary dev account:

npm run deploy

Test your contract:

npm run test


Every smart contract in NEAR has its [own associated account][near accounts]. When you run npm run deploy, your smart contract gets deployed to the live NEAR TestNet with a temporary dev account. When you're ready to make it permanent, here's how:

Step 0: Install near-cli (optional)

[near-cli] is a command line interface (CLI) for interacting with the NEAR blockchain. It was installed to the local node_modules folder when you ran npm install, but for best ergonomics you may want to install it globally:

npm install --global near-cli

Or, if you'd rather use the locally-installed version, you can prefix all near commands with npx

Ensure that it's installed with near --version (or npx near --version)

Step 1: Create an account for the contract

Each account on NEAR can have at most one contract deployed to it. If you've already created an account such as your-name.testnet, you can deploy your contract to near-blank-project.your-name.testnet. Assuming you've already created an account on [NEAR Wallet], here's how to create near-blank-project.your-name.testnet:

  1. Authorize NEAR CLI, following the commands it gives you:

    near login

  2. Create a subaccount (replace YOUR-NAME below with your actual account name):

    near create-account near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet --masterAccount YOUR-NAME.testnet

Step 2: deploy the contract

Use the CLI to deploy the contract to TestNet with your account ID. Replace PATH_TO_WASM_FILE with the wasm that was generated in contract build directory.

near deploy --accountId near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet --wasmFile PATH_TO_WASM_FILE
npm i @axelar-network/axelar-cgp-near


  • MIT
  • ^16.0.0 || ^18.0.0
  • axelar-network
  • released 3/21/2023
