
React component which wraps uppy with availity API integrations
availity uppy react upload ui


Uppy wrapper with opinions around file-uploads and virus scanning with Availity.


npm install @availity/uppy-react uppy --save


import React from 'react';
import AvUppyReact from '@availity/uppy-react';
import AvUppyGrill from '@availity/uppy-grill/react';

// ... 
<AvUppyReact component={AvUppyGrill} />
propTypes = {
  bucket: PropTypes.string.isRequired, // Required. Availity upload bucket ID
  customerId: PropTypes.string.isRequired, // Required. Availity customer ID
  clientId: PropTypes.string.isRequired, // Required. Availity API client ID
  component: PropTypes.func.isRequired, // Required. Underlying UI component. Can be any uppy plugin: https://uppy.io/docs/plugins/ or @availity/uppy-grill/react
  autoProceed: PropTypes.bool,
  restrictions: PropTypes.shape({ // https://uppy.io/docs/uppy/#restrictions
    maxFileSize: PropTypes.number,
    maxNumberOfFiles: PropTypes.number,
    minNumberOfFiles: PropTypes.number,
    allowedFileTypes: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
  uppyOptions: PropTypes.object, // see https://uppy.io/docs/uppy/#Options
  tusOptions: PropTypes.object, // see https://uppy.io/docs/tus/
  getUppy: PropTypes.func, // callback passed the reference to the uppy instance used in the component
  beforeUppyRun: PropTypes.func, // callback passed the reference to the uppy instance used in the component, useful for adding additional uppy plugins before uppy.run
  headers: PropTypes.object, // additional headers to send on the requests (such as XSRF tokens)
  endpoint: PropTypes.string, // endpoint to upload to (the bucket ID is appended to this value). Defaults to Availity's resumable upload service (see defaultProps)
  chunkSize: PropTypes.number, // max upload chuck size. Used to break up larger files.

defaultProps = {
  endpoint: '/ms/api/availity/internal/core/vault/upload/v1/resumable',
  chunkSize: 3e6, // ~3MB
Manual Uploads
import React from 'react';
import AvUppyReact from '@availity/uppy-react';
import AvUppyGrill from '@availity/uppy-grill/react';

// class extends React.Component .....

getUppyInstance = uppyInstance => {
  this.uppyInstance = uppyInstance;

// this get triggered/called somewhere in your code....
doUpload = () => {
  if (this.uppyInstance) {
    this.uppyInstance.upload() // returns a promise resulting in an array of uploaded files
      .then(files => {
        // do stuff with files.
        // files[0].reference is the Availity file upload reference id. Everything else is just uppy file.
// ... 
<AvUppyReact component={AvUppyGrill} getUppy={this.getUppyInstance} />
// ...
Manual Validation
import React from 'react';
import AvUppyReact from '@availity/uppy-react';
import AvUppyGrill from '@availity/uppy-grill/react';

// class extends React.Component .....

getUppyInstance = uppyInstance => {
  this.uppyInstance = uppyInstance;

// this get triggered/called somewhere in your code....
onSubmit = () => {
  if (this.uppyInstance && !this.uppyInstance.validate()) {
    // .validate() return bool. true is valid, false is invalid.
    // do something
  } else {
    // probably trigger uploads (see above) and such.
// ... 
<AvUppyReact component={AvUppyGrill} getUppy={this.getUppyInstance} />
// ...

Note: validate also trigger UI updates indicating invalid fields.


You get the instance of uppy via getUppy (see above) and listen for events. This project adds more events to track the virus scanning Availity does. Use uppy.on to listen for these events.

  • scan-start: event data: files - All uploaded files are starting to be scanned
  • scan-success: event data: files - All uploaded files have been scanned
  • file-scan-start: event data: file - File is starting to be scanned
  • file-scan-complete: event data: file - File has finished being scanned
  • file-scan-success: event data: file - File has finished being scanned, resulting in success
  • file-scan-error: event data: details object - File has finished being scanned, resulting in failure
npm i @availity/uppy-react


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Evan Sharp
  • released 4/9/2018
