
React-based form components, as used on WordPress.com
wordpress react form components

Form Components

This is a directory of shared form components.

Settings Form Fields

The following form components were created as an effort to minimize duplication between site settings and me settings.

  • clipboard-button
  • counted-textarea
  • form-button
  • form-buttons-bar
  • form-checkbox
  • form-country-select
  • form-currency-input
  • form-fieldset
  • form-input-validation
  • form-label
  • form-legend
  • form-password-input
  • form-phone-input
  • form-phone-media-input
  • form-radio
  • form-range
  • form-section-heading
  • form-select
  • form-setting-explanation
  • form-tel-input
  • form-text-input
  • form-text-input-with-action
  • form-text-input-with-affixes
  • form-textarea
  • form-toggle
  • multi-checkbox
  • range
  • sortable-list

The component jsx files are wrappers that ensure our classes are added to each form field. Each form field component also contains a style.scss file in its directory for styling. These stylesheets are included in /assets/stylesheets/_components.scss.


The FormSectionHeading component allows you to add a section header to your settings form.


The FormInputValidation component is used to display a validation notice to the user. You can use it like this:

<FormInputValidation isError={ true } text="Usernames can only contain lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers." />
<FormInputValidation text="That username is valid." />


See README.md for MultiCheckbox


SelectOptGroups allows you to pass structured data to render a select element with <option> elements nested inside <optgroup> separators. You can use it like this:

const options = [
        label: 'Group 1',
        options: [
                label: 'Option 1',
                value: 1
                label: 'Option 2',
                value: 2
        label: 'Group 2',
        options: [
                label: 'Option 3',
                value: 3
                label: 'Option 4',
                value: 4
initialSelected = 3;

<SelectOptGroups name="example" value={ initialSelected } options={ options } />

And this would render:

<select name="example">
    <optgroup label="Group 1">
        <option value="1">Option 1</option>
        <option value="2">Option 2</option>
    <optgroup label="Group 1">
        <option value="3" selected>Option 3</option>
        <option value="4">Option 4</option>

Any valid jsx attributes that are passed to <SelectOptGroup> will also get passed to the rendered <select> element, so you can also pass in attributes like className, onChange, etc.

npm i @automattic/form-components

