
Automatically add contributors as changelogs are produced.
automation semantic release github labels automated continuos integration changelog all-contributors and 1 more...

All Contributors Plugin

Automatically add contributors as changelogs are produced.

This plugin maps one of the contribution types to a glob or array of globs. Out of the box the plugin will only detect the following contribution types:

  • 📖 doc - Edits to any README ['**/*.mdx', '**/*.md', '**/docs/**/*', '**/documentation/**/*']
  • 💡 example - Edits to ['**/*.stories*', '**/*.story.*']
  • 🚇 infra - Edits to ['**/.circle/**/*', '**/.github/**/*', '**/travis.yml'],
  • ⚠ī¸ test - Edits to ['**/*.test.*']
  • đŸ’ģ code - Edits to ['**/src/**/*', '**/lib/**/*', '**/package.json', '**/tsconfig.json']


This plugin is not included with the auto CLI installed via NPM. To install:

npm i --save-dev @auto-it/all-contributors
# or
yarn add -D @auto-it/all-contributors


For this plugin to work your project needs to have initialized an all-contributors RC file.

npx all-contributors init


  "plugins": ["all-contributors"]

Configure Contribution Type Matching

You use any of the contribution types. If you configure an pre-configured contribution type the arrays are not merged, it is overridden.


  "plugins": [
        "types": {
          "plugin": "**/plugin/**/*",
          "example": ["**/*.stories.*", "**/*.examples.*", "**/*.snippet.*"]

Adding Non-Code Contributions

Sometimes you worked with a person that didn't touch the code personally so this plugin would never attribute them with any contributions. Since these contributions cannot be automated you can instead just list out another contributor's contributions directly in the PR. These contributors will also be added to all changelogs that auto outputs.

Add the following to a PR body and auto will try to parse it and add contributors from it.

# Contributions

- @some_guy - design, doc

To ensure you are doing it right auto will comment on the PR with the people + contributions you are manually adding.

Exclude Users

Useful for excluding bots from getting into your contributors.


  "plugins": [
        "exclude": ["dependabot", "ci-services"]

Sub-Package Contributors list

Maintain contributors lists for sub-packages in a monorepo setup (lerna/yarn).

All you need to do is initialize each sub-package you want contributors tracked in with an .all-contributorsrc. If no rc file is found nothing will happen for that package. Any non-code contribution listed in the PR body will also be added to the sub-package contributors list.

cd packages/your-package
npx all-contributors init

ℹī¸ Tip: If you only want 1 commit for new contributions set commit to false in all of your .all-contributorsrc. Otherwise a commit will be made for each package's contributor update.

npm i @auto-it/[email protected]


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Andrew Lisowski
  • released 11/26/2019

