
Helper library for create CSV file export
angular2 angular-2 export-to-csv export-to-excel csv excel libreoffice openoffice

Csv | Export to CSV in Angular2

Helper library for create CSV file in Angular2


npm install --save @asteasolutions/csv


import { Csv } from '@asteasolutions/csv';

var data = [
    name: "Test 1",
    age: 13,
    average: 8.2,
    approved: true,
    description: "using 'Content here, content here' "
    name: 'Test 2',
    age: 11,
    average: 8.2,
    approved: true,
    description: "using 'Content here, content here' "
    name: 'Test 4',
    age: 10,
    average: 8.2,
    approved: true,
    description: "using 'Content here, content here' "

new Csv(data, 'My Report');

API | Csv(data, filename, options)

Option Default Description
fieldSeparator , Defines the field separator character
quoteStrings " If provided, will use this characters to "escape" fields, otherwise will use double quotes as deafult
decimalseparator . Defines the decimal separator character (default is .). If set to "locale", it uses the language sensitive representation of the number.
showLabels false If provided, would use this attribute to create a header row
showTitle false
useBom true If true, adds a BOM character at the start of the CSV


  var options = {
    fieldSeparator: ',',
    quoteStrings: '"',
    decimalseparator: '.',
    showLabels: true,
    showTitle: true,
    useBom: true

  Csv(data, filename, options);


npm i @asteasolutions/csv


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • javiertelioz
  • released 11/1/2020
