
Applitools Eyes SDK for [Storybook](http://storybook.js.org).
applitools testing browser grid visual-testing nodejs javascript


Applitools Eyes SDK for Storybook.


Install npm package

Install Eyes.Storybook as a local dev dependency in your tested project:

npm install --save-dev @applitools/eyes.storybook

Applitools API key

In order to authenticate via the Applitools server, you need to supply the Eyes.Storybook SDK with the API key you got from Applitools. Read more about how to obtain the API key here.

To to this, set the environment variable APPLITOOLS_API_KEY to the API key before running your tests. For example, on Linux/Mac:

export APPLITOOLS_API_KEY=<your_key>

And on Windows:

set APPLITOOLS_API_KEY=<your_key>


After completing the installation and defining the API key, you will be able to run Eyes.Storybook from the command line and let it take screenshots of all your stories.

If your project is using the default storybook config folder (i.e. <project_folder>/.storybook), then run the following command:

npx eyes-storybook

Configuring local storybook server

Normally, Eyes.Storybook starts a storybook dev server in an available port between 9000-9010 for the duration of the tests. It's possible to pass arguments to Eyes.Storybook to configure the local storybook server:

  • --storybook-port OR -p: Port to run storybook (passed as -p to start-storybook).
  • --storybook-host OR -h: Host to run storybook (passed as -h to start-storybook).
  • --storybook-config-dir OR -c: Directory where to load Storybook configurations from (passed as -c to start-storybook)
  • --storybook-static-dir OR -s: Directory where to load static files from, comma-separated list (passed as -s to start-storybook)

Standalone server

As noted in the previous section, Eyes.Storybook starts a storybook dev server. If you wish to start the server outside of Eyes.Storybook, or test a production build that's available at a certain URL, then just specify the URL for the storybook in the command line (or in the configuration file, see Advanced configuration below).

For example:

npx eyes-storybook -u http://localhost:6006

Or for a production storybook:

npx eyes-storybook -u http://react.carbondesignsystem.com/

Command line arguments

The full list of command line arguments can be viewed by running npx eyes-storybook --help:

Usage: eyes-storybook.js [options]

  --help                                            Show help                                                      [boolean]
  --version, -v                                     Show the version number                                        [boolean]
  --conf, -f                                        Path to applitools.config.js config file                        [string]
  --storybook-url, -u                               URL to storybook                                                [string]
  --storybookPort, -p, --storybook-port             Port to run Storybook                                           [number]
  --storybookHost, -h, --storybook-host             Host to run Storybook                                           [string]
  --storybookConfigDir, -c, --storybook-config-dir  Path to Storybook's config folder (defaults to .storybook)      [string]
  --storybookStaticDir, --storybook-static-dir      Path to Storybook's static files folder                         [string]
  --showStorybookOutput, --show-storybook-output    Whether or not you want to see Storybook output                [boolean]
  --exitcode, -e                                    If tests failed close with non-zero exit code                  [boolean]


The default level of concurrency for free accounts is 10. This means that only up to 10 visual tests can run in parallel, and therefore the execution might be slow. If your account does support a higher level of concurrency, it's possible to pass a different value by specifying it in the property concurrency in the applitools.config.js file (see Advanced configuration section below).

If you are interested in speeding up your visual tests, contact [email protected] to get a trial account and faster tests with more concurrency.

Advanced configuration

In addition to command-line arguments, it's possible to define the following configuration for tests:

Property name Default value Description
storybookUrl undefined URL to storybook (also available as command-line argument).
storybookPort 9000 Port to run Storybook (also available as command-line argument).
storybookHost localhost Host to run Storybook (also available as command-line argument).
storybookConfigDir .storybook Path to Storybook's config folder (also available as command-line argument).
storybookStaticDir undefined Path to Storybook's static files folder (also available as command-line argument).
showStorybookOutput undefined Whether or not you want to see Storybook output (also available as command-line argument).
exitcode false If tests failed close with non-zero exit code (also available as command-line argument).
browser { width: 800, height: 600, name: 'chrome' } The size and browser of the generated screenshots. Currently, firefox and chrome are supported. For more info, see the browser section below.
showLogs false Whether or not you want to see logs of the Eyes.Storybook plugin.
saveDebugData false Whether to save troubleshooting data. See the troubleshooting section of this doc for more info.
batchId random Provides ability to group tests into batches. Read more about batches here.
batchName undefined Provides a name to the batch.
baselineEnvName undefined The name of the environment of the baseline.
envName undefined A name for the environment in which the application under test is running.
ignoreCaret false Whether to ignore or the blinking caret or not when comparing images.
matchLevel undefined The test-wide match level to use when checking application screenshot with the expected output. Possible values are Strict, Exact, Layout and Content. Read more about match levels here.
matchTimeout undefined Sets the maximum time (in ms) a match operation tries to perform a match.
branchName undefined The name of the branch.
baselineBranchName undefined The name of the baseline branch.
parentBranchName undefined Sets the branch under which new branches are created.
proxy undefined Sets the proxy settings to be used in network requests to Eyes server.
saveFailedTests false Set whether or not failed tests are saved by default (saved as baseline).
saveNewTests false Set whether or not new tests are saved by default (saved as baseline).
serverUrl Default Eyes server URL The URL of Eyes server
compareWithParentBranch false
ignoreBaseline false
runInDocker false If you are having issues running the SDK in docker, set this flag to true. See more info below
puppeteerOptions undefined Options to send to puppeteer.launch. This is a low-level configuration and should be used with great care.
tapFilePath undefined Path for managing a test results file
waitBeforeScreenshots undefined Time in milliseconds to wait before each screenshot is taken.

There are 2 ways to specify test configuration:

  1. Environment variables
  2. The applitools.config.js file

The list above is also the order of precedence, which means that if you specify a property as an environment variable, it will override the value defined for the same property in the applitools.config.js file.

Method 1: Environment variables

The name of the corresponding environment variable is in uppercase, with the APPLITOOLS_ prefix, and separating underscores instead of camel case:

// all other configuration variables apply

Method 2: The applitools.config.js file

It's possible to have a file called applitools.config.js at the current working directory (the directory you are at when running the eyes-storybook script). In this file specify the desired configuration, as an exported CommonJS module. For example:

module.exports = {
  appName: 'My app',
  showLogs: true,
  batchName: 'My batch'
  // all other configuration variables apply

Configuring the browser

Eyes.Storybook will take a screenshot of the page as specified in the browser configuration parameter.

It's also possible to send an array of browsers, for example in the applitools.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  browser: [
    {width: 800, height: 600, name: 'firefox'},
    {width: 1024, height: 768, name: 'chrome'}

Device emulation

To enable chrome's device emulation, it's possible to send a device name and screen orientation, for example:

module.exports = {
  browser: {
    deviceName: 'iPhone X',
    screenOrientation: 'landscape',
    name: 'chrome' // optional, just to make it explicit this is browser emulation and not a real device. Only chrome is supported for device emulation.

Possible values for screen orientation are landscape and portrait, and if no value is specified, the default is portrait.

The list of device names is taken from chrome devtools predefined devices, and can be obtained by running the following command in a unix-based shell (installing jq might be needed):

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chromium/chromium/0aee4434a4dba42a42abaea9bfbc0cd196a63bc1/third_party/blink/renderer/devtools/front_end/emulated_devices/module.json | jq '.extensions[].device.title'

In addition, it's possible to use chrome's device emulation with custom viewport sizes, pixel density and mobile mode, by passing deviceScaleFactor and mobile in addition to width and height. For example:

module.exports = {
  browser: {
    width: 800,
    height: 600,
    deviceScaleFactor: 3,
    mobile: true,
    name: 'chrome' // optional, just to make it explicit this is browser emulation and not a real device. Only chrome is supported for device emulation.

Running Eyes.Storybook in Docker

When running the SDK in docker, there might be issues related to properly launching the internal chrome browser via puppeteer. If you seem to have such issues, set runInDocker: true in your config file. This will pass the internal chrome browser special arguments, as described here.

If you still have issues, you might need to follow the instructions to use your own chromium browser in the docker container, and point that to the SDK's puppeteer. Follow the instructions here and set the executablePath via the puppeteerOptions. For example, applitools.config.js:

module.exports = {
  puppeteerOptions: {
    executablePath: '/usr/bin/chromium-browser'


If issues occur, the saveDebugData config property can be set to true in order to save helpful information. The information will be saved under a folder named .applitools in the current working directory. This could be then used for getting support on your issue.

npm i @applitools/eyes.storybook

