
The core components of Eyes JavaScript SDK
applitools eyes eyes-sdk eyes-sdk-core test automation visual regression automation testing tests and 1 more...

Eyes SDK core


Applitools Eyes

This package contains the low level API for working with Applitools' JS SDK's.




Initializes the SDK with a name, version and implementation of a driver.

Parameters (passed as a single destructured object):

  • name - name of the SDK (this will appear in Applitools reports as part of the agentId)
  • version - version of the SDK
  • spec - implementation of the SpecDriver
  • VisualGridClient - this is an implementation detail, and will be removed in a future version. For now, it's required to pass require('@applitools/visual-grid-client) in this property.

Returns an instance of the SDK, which can be used to create a Manager.

For example:

const {makeSDK} = require('@applitools/eyes-sdk-core')

const sdk = makeSDK({
    name: 'my.special.SDK',
    version: '1.2.3',
    VisualGridClient: require('@applitools/visual-grid-client')


Initializes a Manager instance. The Manager is responsible for creating multiple visual tests. A single manager should be created for an entire execution of test suites, in order to get benefits of caching and parallelism.

Parameters: EyesManagerConfig

Returns: EyesManager

For example:

// creates a manager for Ultrafast Grid tests:
const manager = await sdk.makeManager({type: 'vg', concurrency: 10})

// creates a manager for classic tests:
const manager = await sdk.makeManager()


Creates a visual test and returns the Eyes interface for performing various visual operations that Applitools provides.

Parameters (passed as a single destructured object):

  • driver - the driver which is used to automate the application under test. This will be fed to SpecDriver methods as the first paramters.
  • config - configuration of type EyesConfig.

Returns: Eyes

For example:

const eyes = await manager.openEyes({
    config: {
        appName: 'My app',
        testName: 'My test',
        viewportSize: {width: 1000, height: 800},
        apiKey: '<Your API key>',


Aborts all open tests, and waits for all of them to finish.


  • throwErr - boolean indicating whether to throw an exception if a visual difference is detected in one or more tests.

Returns: TestResultSummary. // TODO fix link

For example:

const testResultsSummary = await manager.closeManager()

for (const {testResults} of testResultsSummary.results) {
    console.log(`Test ${testResults.name}: ${testResults.status}`)


Creates a visual checkpoint.

Parameters (passed as a single destructured object):

Returns: MatchResult

For example:

// full page screenshot:
await eyes.check({
    settings: {fully: true}

// element screenshot:
await eyes.check({
    settings: {region: '.some-element'}


IMPORTANT: this is still under development. In the meantime, use await eyes.check(); await eyes.close() instead

Creates a visual checkpoint and closes the test.

Parameters (passed as a single destructured object):

  • settings - CheckSettings
  • config - EyesConfig
  • throwErr - boolean indicating whether to throw an exception if a visual difference is detected in one or more tests. Default: false.

Returns: TestResults

For example:

const testResults = await eyes.checkAndClose({settings, config, throwErr: true})


Closes the visual test.

Parameters (passed as a single destructured object):

  • throwErr - boolean indicating whether to throw an exception if a visual difference is detected in one or more tests. Default: false.

Returns: TestResults

For example:

const testResults = await eyes.close({throwErr: true})


Aborts the visual test.



Returns: TestResults

For example:

const testResults = await eyes.abort()

Developing the SpecDriver

Implementing the interface SpecDriver is one of the more tedious tasks involved in creating an SDK for Eyes. For this, we can offer tooling and reference implementations.

checkSpecDriver method

The @applitools/eyes-sdk-core package exports a debugging tool to help detect if SpecDriver is implemented correctly.

To use it, require and call the following:

const {checkSpecDriver} = require('@applitools/eyes-sdk-core')
const result = await checkSpecDriver({driver, spec})

Where driver is the driver you would pass in manager.openEyes, and spec is the object implementing SpecDriver.

Example script for using this tool with Selenium:

const {checkSpecDriver} = require('@applitools/eyes-sdk-core')
const {Builder} = require('selenium-webdriver')
const spec = require('./spec-driver')
const chalk = require('chalk')

;(async function main() {
    const driver = await new Builder()
      .withCapabilities({browserName: 'chrome', 'goog:chromeOptions': {args: ['headless']}})

    try {
        const results = await checkSpecDriver({driver, spec})
        let errCount = 0
        results.forEach(result => {
            if (result.error) {
                console.log(chalk.red(`${++errCount})`), result.test)
                console.log(`\texpected:`, result.error.expected)
                console.log(`\tactual:`, result.error.actual)
            } else if (result.skipped) {
                console.log(chalk.yellow('?'), result.test)
            } else {
                console.log(chalk.green('✓'), result.test)
    } finally {
        await driver.close()

SpecDriver for browser extension

Reference implementation can be found here.

SpecDriver for Selenium

Reference implementation can be found here.


Using selenium-webdriver

const {Builder} = require('selenium-webdriver')
const {makeSDK} = require('@applitools/eyes-sdk-core')
const spec = require('./spec-driver')

const config = {
    appName: 'My app',
    testName: 'My test',
    viewportSize: {width: 1000, height: 800},
    apiKey: '<Your API key>',

const sdk = makeSDK({
    name: 'my.special.SDK',
    version: '1.2.3',
    VisualGridClient: require('@applitools/visual-grid-client')

;(async function main() {
    const driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build()
    await driver.get('https://demo.applitools.com')
    const manager = await sdk.makeManager()
    const eyes = await manager.openEyes({driver, config})
    const testResults = await eyes.checkAndClose({settings: {fully: true}})
npm i @applitools/eyes-sdk-core

