
Typescript Shared Types

Typescript Shared Types (or tsst)

npm (scoped)


  • Allows you to centralize all of your types for one project liberating you from having to copy/paste them on each of your project's platform (web, backend, mobile etc)
  • Leverage the power of git and github to centralize and to share with ease your typescript types
  • Handy for js/ts fullstack projects
  • Single place to maintain shared types
  • Merge conflic safe
  • Takes care of creating the repo holding all of your shared types for you if needed

So I am not a huge fan of mono repo and I was looking for something that would allow me to declare and to write all of my ts types at a single place so then I could use them on different components of a given project ecosystem.

Let's say you have a web platform, a mobile platform and an API. Those components might needs to share some types and copy/pasting your types across those platforms might be time consuming and definitely not ideal for maintainability.

So this little package aims to offer a solution to that problem. It creates another github repo where all your types under the folder "sharedTypes" will be commited to. It's not 100% perfect, but it might save you some times.


  npm i @appandflow/tsst --save-dev


1 - package.json script shortcut

You might wanna add this to your project's scripts in your package.json. Also, this tool might play nice with a git pre-commit hook or a post-commit hook.

"scripts": {
  "tsst": "node node_modules/@appandflow/tsst/dist/tsst.js"

**2 - Initialization. You only need to do that the first time in each projects/components of your ecosystem **

This will guide you through the only few steps required to use this tool.

  npm run tsst init

3 - Each time you start working on your project or each time you add a new type that you wish to share across your project ecosystem, run this

Make sure to store all of the types you wish to share under the folder /sharedTypes/*. This folder will be generated when you run "npm run tsst init" or the first time you run "npm run tsst sync"

  npm run tsst sync

You might have some merge conflicts sometimes. Nothing new here - you open your text editor and you fix them manualy just like you normally do. Then you commit/push on your repo and you run "npm run tsst update" again to update the now well merged types.

4 - Profit ? That's it. Just run #3 when needed and store your shared types under /sharedTypes and you are all setup to share your types between your multiple project's components 👏

npm i @appandflow/[email protected]


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Vincent de Lafontaine
  • released 10/24/2020
