
Storage utility with fallbacks
analytics analytics-project analytics-util storage cookies localStorage sessionStorage persistance

Analytics Storage Utils

A tiny storage utility library with fallback mechanism in 1017 bytes.

By default, @analytics/storage-utils will persist values in browser in this order:

  1. Try localStorage
  2. If no localStorage, use cookies
  3. If no cookies, use sessionStorage
  4. If no sessionStorage, use global window

If you want to specify which storage mechanism to use, use the options parameter.

See live demo.


Set a value.

import { setItem } from '@analytics/storage-utils'

* Basic usage 

/* Save value to `localStorage` or `cookies` or `global` */
setItem('key', 'value')
// { value: "value", oldValue: "old", location: "localStorage" }

/** Setting values to specific location */

/* Set value to specifically localStorage */
setItem('key', 'otherValue', { storage: 'localStorage' })
// { value: "otherValue", oldValue: "value", location: "localStorage" }

/* Set value to specifically cookie */
setItem('keyTwo', 'cookieVal',  { storage: 'cookie' })
// { value: "cookieVal", oldValue: "null", location: "cookie" }

/* Set value from specifically sessionStorage */
setItem('keyThree', 'xyz', { storage: 'sessionStorage' })
// { value: "cookieVal", oldValue: "null", location: "sessionStorage" }

/* Set value from specifically the global window (or global this in node.js) */
setItem('keyThree', 'xyz', { storage: 'global' })
// { value: "cookieVal", oldValue: "null", location: "cookie" }


Get a value.

import { getItem } from '@analytics/storage-utils'

/* Basic usage */

/* Lookup value from `localStorage` or `cookies` or `global` */
const value = getItem('key')

 * Getting values to specific locations

// Get value to specifically localStorage
const getLocalStorageValue = getItem('key', { storage: 'localStorage' })

/* Get value to specifically cookie */
const getCookieValue = getItem('key', { storage: 'cookie' })

// Get value to specifically sessionStorage
const getSessionStorageValue = getItem('key', { storage: 'sessionStorage' })

/* Get value from specifically the global window (or global this in node.js) */
const getGlobalValue = getItem('key', { storage: 'global' })

/* Get value from all locations */
const valueObj = getItem('otherKey', { storage: '*' })
// { cookie: undefined, localStorage: "hahaha", global: null }


Remote a value.

import { removeItem } from '@analytics/storage-utils'

/* Basic usage */

// Will try remove value from `localStorage` -> `cookies` -> `global`

/** Removing values to specific locations */

/* Remove value to specifically localStorage */
removeItem('key', { storage: 'localStorage' })

/* Remove value to specifically cookie */
removeItem('keyTwo', { storage: 'cookie' })

/* Remove value to specifically sessionStorage */
removeItem('key', { storage: 'sessionStorage' })

/* Remove value to specifically global */
removeItem('keyThree', { storage: 'global' })

/* Remove value from all locations */
removeItem('otherKey', { storage: '*' })
npm i @analytics/storage-utils


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • David Wells
  • released 5/27/2023

