
Globally used redux ducks used within the One App ecosystem.

One App Ducks - One Amex

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Redux ducks used within the One App ecosystem.

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๐Ÿ“– Table of Contents

โœจ Features

  • Combine your reducers with the global reducers within the One App ecosystem.

๐Ÿคนโ€ Usage


npm i @americanexpress/one-app-ducks

How to use

import { combineReducers } from 'redux-immutable';
import { createStore } from 'redux';
import globalReducers from '@americanexpress/one-app-ducks';

const appReducer = combineReducers({
  ...otherReducers, // Your specific reducers

const store = createStore(

๐ŸŽ›๏ธ One App Ducks API


Ducks include the reducer, selectors and action creators for a given branch of state. These ducks make up the core of One App's state.

The default export is an object of reducers meant to be included in a call to Redux immutable's combineReducers when setting up the store. Included reducers are browser, error, errorReporting, intl, redirection and rendering.


browser Duck

This duck is for reading information about the user's browser. It is particularly helpful on the server where this information is not readily available.


State Shape

const state = new Map({
  browser: new Map({
    cookies: new Map({
      [cookieName]: String, // value for the cookie
    location: new Map({
      origin: String, // origin of the request
    userAgent: String, // UA string for the browser
  // ...



This selector can be used to access cookies both on the server and the client.

This action creator can take the following argument:

Argument Type Description
state Object (required) current state of the your application
import { getCookies } from '@americanexpress/one-app-ducks';

// ...

const cookies = getCookies(store.getState());

Action Creators


This action creator can be used to set the User-Agent. It is used directly by One App, and it is unlikely that any module would need it.

This action creator can take the following argument:

Argument Type Description
User-Agent String (required) User-Agent to be set
import { setUserAgent } from '@americanexpress/one-app-ducks';

// ...


This action creator can be used to set the Origin. It is used directly by One App, and it is unlikely that any module would need it.

This action creator can take the following argument:

Argument Type Description
Origin String (required) Origin to be set
import { setOrigin } from '@americanexpress/one-app-ducks';

// ...


error Duck

The error duck tracks whether One App is in an error state and what the HTTP status code is for the error.


State Shape

const state = new Map({
  error: new Map({
    code: Number, // HTTP error code (undefined if not set)
  // ...

Action creators


This action creator will put the application in an error state and afterwards addErrorToReport is dispatched.

This action creator can take the following argument:

Argument Type Description
code Number (required) This is the error code to set e.g 500, 401 refer to this
import { applicationError } from '@americanexpress/one-app-ducks';

// ...


This action creator can be used to clear the error code.

import { clearError } from '@americanexpress/one-app-ducks';

// ...


errorReporting Duck

The error reporting duck is for sending client side errors to the reportingUrl configured by the environment variable ONE_CLIENT_REPORTING_URL. You can find more documentation on environment variables for One App in the One App documentation. On the server the errors reported are simply logged with the assumption that the underlying infrastructure will pick up those logs and ship them to where they can be better kept and analyzed. Reported errors will have the following format:

  msg: String, // Error message (error.message)
  stack: String, // Error stack (error.stack) IE >= 10
  href: String, // href to the page reporting the error (client side only)
  otherData: Object, // Any other data included when adding the error to the report


State Shape

const state = new Map({
  errorReporting: new Map({
    queue: List, // Errors to report
    pending: List, // Errors that have been sent but have not returned a success response yet
    pendingPromise: Promise, // From the request that posted the pending errors
    retryWait: Number, // Time (ms) to wait before sending again after a failure
  // ...

Action creators


This action creator is for reporting both client side and server side errors to your server logs.

This action creator can take the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
error Object (required) This is the error stack
otherData Object This is any other data that you'd like to send alongside the error message
import { addErrorToReport } from '@americanexpress/one-app-ducks';

// ...

store.dispatch(addErrorToReport(error, {
  collectionMethod: 'componentDidCatch',
  moduleID: 'my-module',

This action creator is used to send any pending error reports. You can use this along side applicationError to post your own custom errors.

import { sendErrorReport } from '@americanexpress/one-app-ducks';

// ...


intl Duck

The intl duck is for enabling internationalization. It is used to load the language packs bundled with each module. See usage in the one-app-locale-bundler README for details on how to include language packs in your module bundles.


State Shape

const state = new Map({
  intl: new Map({
    activeLocale: String, // BCP47 code for the locale served to the user
    languagePacks: new Map({
      [locale]: new Map({
        [moduleName]: new Map({
          data: Map, // Contents of the module's language pack
          isLoading: Boolean, // Indicates if the language pack request is in flight
          error: Error, // Error from language pack fetch
          errorExpiration: Number, // Time for error to expire so that reload attempt can be made
          _loadedOnServer: Boolean, // Indicates if the language pack was initially loaded on the
          // server
          _pendingDeferredForceLoad: Boolean, // Indicates if the client side request of server
          // loaded language pack is pending
  // ...

Action creators


An async action creator for fetching your module's language pack. This action creator can take the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
moduleName String (required) Gets the language pack for the module specified.
options.locale String Gets the language pack for the given locale, as opposed to the locale in state.
options.url String URL to fetch the language pack from if not using language packs generated via one-app-bundler
options.force Boolean Force fetches the language pack if you don't want to use what is in state
options.fallbackLocale String If the language pack does not exist, fetches this lang pack instead.
options.fallbackUrl String URL to use for fallback locale if not using language packs generated with one-app-bundler
import { loadLanguagePack } from '@americanexpress/one-app-ducks';

// ...

export default holocronModule({
  name: 'my-module',
  load: () => (dispatch) => dispatch(loadLanguagePack('my-module', { locale: 'en-US' })),

queryLanguagePack is the iguazu equivalent for loadLanguagePack. A fallback locale can be provided if there is a language pack you'd like to fallback to in case that the requested language pack is not available.

This action creator can take the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
moduleName String (required) Gets the language pack for the module specified.
fallbackLocale String If the language pack does not exist, fetches this lang pack instead.
import { queryLanguagePack } from '@americanexpress/one-app-ducks';

// ...

const loadDataAsProps = ({ store: { dispatch } }) => ({
  langPack: () => dispatch(queryLanguagePack('my-module', { fallbackLocale: 'en-US' })),

This action creator is used to set the active locale for One App. The promise will resolve once the locale bundle (containing locale data for Intl.js, React Intl and Moment.js) is loaded and the active locale is set. It will reject if Lean-Intl does not have a bundle for the locale.

The locale bundles don't need to be an exact match. For instance setting the locale to 'en-XA' will load i18n/en.js and 'zh-Hans-XB' will load i18n/zh-Hans.js.

If the Environment Variable ONE_CONFIG_USE_NATIVE_INTL is set to true, then updateLocale will not try to add the Lean-Intl bundle, but will still update the active locale.

This action creator can take the following argument:

Argument Type Description
locale String (required) Locale provided
import { updateLocale } from '@americanexpress/one-app-ducks';

// ...


Similar to updateLocale, but will attempt to load the locale of the requested country that is closest to the current active locale. This is used directly by One App, and it is unlikely that any module would need it.

This action creator can take the following argument:

prop name type value
locale String (required) Locale provided
import { getLocalePack } from '@americanexpress/one-app-ducks';

// ...


redirection Duck

The redirection duck is for managing redirection of users. It is particularly useful on the server where it is used to send a 302 response.


State Shape

const state = new Map({
  redirection: new Map({
    destination: String, // Fully qualified external URL to redirect to
    redirectionInFlight: Boolean, // Indicates redirection has started
  // ...

Action creators


This action creator can be used to redirect a user out of your one app instance either on the server (via 302 response) or on the client.

Argument Type Description
redirectUrl String (required) fully qualified URL to redirect the user to
import { externalRedirect } from '@americanexpress/one-app-ducks';

// ...


rendering Duck

The rendering duck controls how the server renders the HTML page sent to the client.


State Shape

const state = new Map({
  rendering: new Map({
    disableScripts: Boolean, // Indicates if script tags should be omitted from HTML response
    disableStyles: Boolean, // Indicates if style tags should be omitted from HTML response
    renderPartialOnly: Boolean, // Indicates if the response should return just the rendered HTML
    // from the matched module rather than a complete HTML page
    renderTextOnly: Boolean, // Indicates if HTML tags should be removed from the HTML response
    renderTextOnlyOptions: new Map({
      htmlTagReplacement: String, // Replace all html tags with the character passed to this option.
      allowedHtmlTags: List, // List of HTML tags that should not be removed from the HTML response
  // ...

Action creators


Use this action creator to render static markup from a holocron module, rather than a complete page.

Argument Type Description
renderPartialOnly Boolean (required) set whether a partial should be rendered or not
import { setRenderPartialOnly } from '@americanexpress/one-app-ducks';

// ...


Use this action creator to render text only from a holocron module, rather than a HTML.

Argument Type Description
renderTextOnly Boolean (required) set whether to return text instead of HTML
options Object Replace html tags with the character passed to this option i.e. '/n'. Defaults to empty string.
options.htmlTagReplacement String Replace html tags with the character passed to this option i.e. '/n'. Defaults to empty string.
options.allowedHtmlTags Array Comma separated list of HTML tags that are allowed to remain in the text response i.e. ['a','strong']. Defaults to empty array.
import { setRenderTextOnly } from '@americanexpress/one-app-ducks';

// ...

dispatch(setRenderTextOnly(true, { htmlTagReplacement: '\n', allowedHtmlTags: ['a'] }));

Use this action creator to disable scripts for being added to the rendered page.

Argument Type Description
disableScripts Boolean (required) set whether scripts should be disabled
import { setDangerouslyDisableScripts } from '@americanexpress/one-app-ducks';

// ...


Use this action creator to disable scripts and styles for being added to the rendered page.

Argument Type Description
disableScriptsAndStyles Boolean (required) set whether both scripts and styles should be disabled
import { setDangerouslyDisableScriptsAndStyles } from '@americanexpress/one-app-ducks';

// ...


๐Ÿ† Contributing

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Please feel free to open pull requests and see CONTRIBUTING.md to learn how to get started contributing.

๐Ÿ—๏ธ License

Any contributions made under this project will be governed by the Apache License 2.0.

๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ Code of Conduct

This project adheres to the American Express Community Guidelines. By participating, you are expected to honor these guidelines.

npm i @americanexpress/one-app-ducks

