
A Remark plugin that imports Bible content.


This is a plugin for remark that detects paragraphs consisting of a single Bible reference and replaces them with the text of the passage.

In this example markdown document:

Proverbs 26:4-5 is a passage that has particularly special significance to me.

bible: Proverbs 26:4-5

The second paragraph would be replaced with the text of Proverbs 26:4-5 inside of a blockquote with a linked citation in a footer element.


yarn add @amanda-mitchell/biblia-api @amanda-mitchell/remark-bible-content

If you want to include quotations from the ESV, you'll also need to run

yarn add @amanda-mitchell/esv-api


import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import unified from 'unified';
import markdown from 'remark-parse';
import remarkRehype from 'remark-rehype';
import raw from 'rehype-raw';
import html from 'rehype-stringify';
import { createBibliaApiClient } from '@amanda-mitchell/biblia-api';
import { createEsvApiClient } from '@amanda-mitchell/esv-api'; // only required when using the ESV.
import { insertBibleContent } from '@amanda-mitchell/remark-bible-content';

const bibliaApiKey =
  'Go to https://bibliaapi.com/docs/API_Keys to generate an API key.';
const esvApiKey =
  'Go to https://api.esv.org/ to register an application and get an API key.';

const bibliaApi = createBibliaApiClient({ apiKey: bibliaApiKey, fetch });
const esvApi = createEsvApiClient({ apiKey: esvApiKey, fetch });

const processor = unified()
  .use(insertBibleContent, {
    esvApi, // only required when using the ESV.
    version: 'esv',
  .use(remarkRehype, { allowDangerousHtml: true })

const markdownDoc = `# Heading

bible: Prov 26:4-5

This passage is profound.`;

processor.process(markdownDoc).then(result => console.log(String(result)));

When run, this script will print

<p class="block-indent"><span class="begin-line-group"></span>
<span id="p20026004_01-1" class="line"><b class="verse-num inline" id="v20026004-1">4&nbsp;</b>&nbsp;Answer not a fool according to his folly,</span><br><span id="p20026004_01-1" class="indent line">&nbsp;lest you be like him yourself.</span><br><span id="p20026005_01-1" class="line"><b class="verse-num inline" id="v20026005-1">5&nbsp;</b>&nbsp;Answer a fool according to his folly,</span><br><span id="p20026005_01-1" class="indent line">&nbsp;lest he be wise in his own eyes.</span><br></p><span class="end-line-group"></span>
<footer><a href="https://biblia.com/bible/esv/proverbs/26/4-5">Proverbs 26:4–5</a> (ESV)</footer>
<p>This passage is profound.</p>



Required. This should be an instance of the client from @amanda-mitchell/biblia-api.


Required when version is set to 'esv'. This should be an instance of the client from @amanda-mitchell/esv-api.


Optional. The Bible version whose content should be retrieved. This may be any version string supported by the Biblia API or the string 'esv'. Defaults to 'leb'.


Optional. When using @amanda-mitchell/remark-tag-bible-references, setting this to true will cause this plugin to only replace paragraphs that have already been tagged by that plugin. Defaults to false.

Open issues

The { allowDangerousHtml: true } option and rehype-raw plugins are required when transforming this plugin's output to HTML because existing plugins don't supply the means to preserve CSS when performing a roundtrip to Markdown and back to HTML. I would be happy to accept PRs that massage the API results into a more sensible Markdown AST, as long as it preserves the style info.

npm i @amanda-mitchell/remark-bible-content


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Amanda Mitchell
  • released 3/8/2022

