
MCrypt bindings
mcrypt crypto


MCrypt bindings for Node.js


npm install @aftership/mcrypt


Alright! There is already OpenSSL extension bundled with Node.js but there are something wrong with some traditional encryption algorithms on OpenSSL.

I tried to decrypt ciphertext of AES and DES algorithms using OpenSSL but i get the garbage outputs. There are some reasons with OpenSSL like null padding.

Also i saw same issues on the stackoverflow.com. Some people encountered with same problems.

This extension provide the cipher and decipher operations via libmcrypt and compatible with Java Crypto and PHP MCrypt consequently.

You should start with import the package like

var mcrypt = require('mcrypt');

There are 3 exposed common functions in the package. These functions are getAlgorithmNames(), getModeNames() and MCrypt() constructor function. Also there are some functions under the prototype of MCrypt() constructor function.

getAlgorithmNames([path]) : Array

getAlgorithmNames() returns an array that contains available algorithm names. path parameter to specify special algorithm directory. path parameter is not required.

var mcrypt = require('mcrypt');

var algos = mcrypt.getAlgorithmNames();

Expected result like that

[ 'cast-128', 'gost', 'rijndael-128', 'twofish', 'arcfour', 'cast-256', 'loki97', 'rijndael-192', 'saferplus', 'wake', 'blowfish-compat', 'des', 'rijndael-256', 'serpent', 'xtea', 'blowfish', 'enigma', 'rc2', 'tripledes' ]

getModeNames([path]) : Array

getModeNames() returns an array that contains available mode names. path parameter to specify special mode directory. path parameter is not required.

var mcrypt = require('mcrypt');

var algos = mcrypt.getModeNames();

Expected result like that

[ 'cbc', 'cfb', 'ctr', 'ecb', 'ncfb', 'nofb', 'ofb', 'stream' ]

MCrypt(algorithm, mode [, algorithmDir] [, modeDir]) : Object

MCrypt(algorithm, mode) is a constructor function to create object for cipher and decipher operations. algorithm is a required parameter and one of the values of array returned by getAlgorithmNames(). mode is required parameter and one of the values of array returned by getModeNames(). algorithmDir and modeDir are optional parameters to specify algorithm and mode directories.

var MCrypt = require('mcrypt').MCrypt;

var desEcb = new MCrypt('des', 'ecb');

There are some prototype functions to make cipher decipher operations and to identify algorithm properties.

open(key [, iv])

We are need to open() with a key for decrypt() and encrypt() operations also we should set an iv if required by algorithm in other case iv is optional parameter. key and iv should be string or Buffer

var MCrypt = require('mcrypt').MCrypt;

var desEcb = new MCrypt('des', 'ecb');
desEcb.open('madepass'); // we are set the key

encrypt(plaintext) : Buffer

encrypt() returns a Buffer object that contains ciphertext of plaintext parameter. plaintext parameter should be string or Buffer

var MCrypt = require('mcrypt').MCrypt;

var desEcb = new MCrypt('des', 'ecb');
desEcb.open('madepass'); // we are set the key

var ciphertext = desEcb.encrypt('this is top secret message!');

Expected result like that


decrypt(ciphertext) : Buffer

decrypt() returns a Buffer object that contains plaintext of ciphertext parameter. ciphertext parameter should be Buffer

var MCrypt = require('mcrypt').MCrypt;

var desEcb = new MCrypt('des', 'ecb');
desEcb.open('madepass'); // we are set the key

var plaintext = desEcb.decrypt(new Buffer('fkJnIgtiH8nsGDryyuIsmyf5vABMGStlpACfKCTifvA=', 'base64'));

Expected result like that

this is top secret message!

generateIv() : Buffer

generateIv() function generates IV randomly.

var MCrypt = require('mcrypt').MCrypt;

var blowfishCfb = new MCrypt('blowfish', 'cfb');
var iv = blowfishCfb.generateIv();

blowfishCfb.open('somekey', iv);

var ciphertext = blowfishCfb.encrypt('sometext');

console.log(Buffer.concat([iv, ciphertext]).toString('base64'));


validateKeySize() is a function to disable or enable key size validation on open()

var mc = new MCrypt('blowfish', 'ecb');
mc.validateKeySize(false); // disable key size checking


validateIvSize() is a function to disable or enable iv size validation on open()

var mc = new MCrypt('rijndael-256', 'cbc');
mc.validateIvSize(false); // disable iv size checking
mc.open('$verysec$retkey$', 'foobar');

selfTest() : Boolean

selfTest() is an utility function to make test algorithm internally and returns boolean value of status

var MCrypt = require('mcrypt').MCrypt;

var blowfishCfb = new MCrypt('blowfish', 'cfb');

isBlockAlgorithmMode() : Boolean

var MCrypt = require('mcrypt').MCrypt;

var blowfishCfb = new MCrypt('blowfish', 'cfb');

isBlockAlgorithm() : Boolean

var MCrypt = require('mcrypt').MCrypt;

var blowfishCfb = new MCrypt('blowfish', 'cfb');

isBlockMode() : Boolean

var MCrypt = require('mcrypt').MCrypt;

var blowfishCfb = new MCrypt('blowfish', 'cfb');

getBlockSize() : Number

var MCrypt = require('mcrypt').MCrypt;

var blowfishCfb = new MCrypt('blowfish', 'cfb');

getKeySize() : Number

var MCrypt = require('mcrypt').MCrypt;

var blowfishCfb = new MCrypt('blowfish', 'cfb');

getSupportedKeySizes() : Array

var MCrypt = require('mcrypt').MCrypt;

var blowfishCfb = new MCrypt('blowfish', 'cfb');

getIvSize() : Number

var MCrypt = require('mcrypt').MCrypt;

var blowfishCfb = new MCrypt('blowfish', 'cfb');

hasIv() : Boolean

var MCrypt = require('mcrypt').MCrypt;

var blowfishCfb = new MCrypt('blowfish', 'cfb');

getAlgorithmName() : String

var MCrypt = require('mcrypt').MCrypt;

var blowfishCfb = new MCrypt('blowfish', 'cfb');

getModeName() : String

var MCrypt = require('mcrypt').MCrypt;

var blowfishCfb = new MCrypt('blowfish', 'cfb');
npm i @aftership/mcrypt


  • MIT
  • >=4.2.0
  • Tuğrul Topuz
  • released 10/23/2015

