
Acuris eslint shareable configuration
acuris-eslint acuris eslint prettier



Shared Acuris eslint configuration and code quality tooling.

initialize your project

The simplest and preferred way to initialise your project is to run in your project folder this command:

npx @acuris/eslint-config@latest --init

This will start an interactive initialisation script that will setup everything you need, including packages installation.

if you install new packages after initializing a project (for example, jest or typescript), you may want to run acuris-eslint --init again to add additional dependencies.

update @acuris/eslint-config

Once installed, you can update to the latest version (including dependencies) executing

acuris-eslint --init

lint your entire project

You can lint your entire project running


You can fix the formatting for your entire project running

acuris-eslint --fix

You can also pass glob paths, folders or sinngle files to lint.

acuris-eslint hello.js myFolder

For mor help on the list of available options and commands, run

acuris-eslint --help

Note: If PATH does not resolve node binaries in node_modules/.bin, you can prepend all commands with npx.

project configuration

You can add acuris-eslint in package.json root to pass additional options.

  name: 'my-package',

  // ...

  "acuris-eslint": {
     * Override patterns used to apply different eslint rules.
    filePatterns: {
      /** patterns that should be prettified when running --fix, but not validated using eslint parsers */
      prettier: string[] | { [pattern: string]: boolean },

      /** mjs module patterns */
      mjs: string[] | { [pattern: string]: boolean },

      /** .ts, .tsx patterns */
      typescript: string[] | { [pattern: string]: boolean },

      /** .d.ts patterns */
      typescriptDefinition: string[] | { [pattern: string]: boolean },

      /** binary script patterns */
      bin: string[] | { [pattern: string]: boolean },

      /** scripts pattern, similar to bin*/
      scripts: string[] | { [pattern: string]: boolean },

      /** server side code patterns */
      server: string[] | { [pattern: string]: boolean },

      /** dist folder patterns (less stringent rules) */
      dist: string[] | { [pattern: string]: boolean },

      /** test files patterns */
      tests: string[] | { [pattern: string]: boolean }

     * The path of the eslintrc file to load when running acuris-eslint command
     * Can be overridden by command line option '--config'
    eslintrc: string,
     * Enables or disable eslint cache when running acuris-eslint command.
     * Can be overridden by command line option '--cache' or '--no-cache'
    eslintCache: boolean,
     * Changes the path of eslint cache when running acuris-eslint command.
     * By default is `.eslintcache`
     * Can be overridden by command line option '--cache-location'
    eslintCacheLocation: string,
     * The warnigns and errors output format when running acuris-eslint command.
     * By default is `stylish`.
     * Can be overridden by command line option '--format'
    eslintOutputFormat: string,

     * The react version to use for react eslint plugin.
    reactVersion: string,

     * A custom path for the `tsconfig.json` configuration when using typescript.
     * By default, the first tsconfig.json in the current folder or parent folders is used.
    tsConfigPath: string,

     * The list of packages to disable when initializing a project or running eslint.
     * For example, ['typescript', 'react', 'eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y'] disables typescript, react and jsx-a11y.
    ignoredPackages: string[] | { [packageName: string]: boolean },

      * Additional node_modules paths to use when resolving eslint plugins or configurations.
    nodeResolvePaths: string[] | { [path: string]: boolean },


  • v.0.1.1
    • acuris-eslint now supports prettify all supported files, not only JS and TS. Uses thread workers to use free CPUs for prettify.
    • load extensions by overrides
    • add supports for .files, now they get linted
    • options --lint-staged and --ignore-unknown-extensions will skip file with extensions not supported when processing a list of files.
    • eslint 7.0.0, typesript 3.9
    • performance improvements and asynchronous write during fixing
npm i @acuris/eslint-config


  • MIT
  • >=16.15.1
  • Acuris, Salvatore Previti
  • released 8/9/2023
