
A scrollyteller preview React component which loads, parses & renders Odyssey-like from a public Google Doc


An @abcnews/scrollyteller preview component for React, which loads, parses & renders Odyssey-like content from a public Google Doc, as well as creating pastable Core Media rich-text.


The <GoogleDocScrollyteller> only has one mandatory prop, a renderPreview function, which takes a scrollyteller definition as props (config and panels), and is expected to return a component containing a<Scrollyteller>.

JavaScript usage

import GoogleDocScrollyteller from '@abcnews/google-doc-scrollyteller';
import Scrollyteller from '@abcnews/scrollyteller';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import Graphic from '<somewhere>';

const Block = ({ panels, config }) => {
  const [graphicProps, setGraphicProps] = useState(null);

  return (
      onMarker={(data) => setGraphicProps(data)}
      <Graphic {...graphicProps} />

const App = () => (
    renderPreview={(props) => <Block {...props} />}

export default App;

TypeScript usage

import GoogleDocScrollyteller from '@abcnews/google-doc-scrollyteller';
import Scrollyteller from '@abcnews/scrollyteller';
import type { ScrollytellerDefinition } from '@abcnews/scrollyteller';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import Graphic from '<somewhere>';
import type { GraphicProps } from '<somewhere>';

const Block: React.FC<ScrollytellerDefinition<GraphicProps>> = ({
}) => {
  const [graphicProps, setGraphicProps] = useState<GraphicProps>(null!);

  return (
      onMarker={(data: GraphicProps) => setGraphicProps(data)}
      <Graphic {...graphicProps} />

const App: React.FC = () => (
    renderPreview={(props) => <Block {...props} />}

export default App;

Optional props


  • preprocessCoreEl
  • loadScrollytellerArgs
  • postprocessScrollytellerDefinition
  • renderFallbackImagesButton


This project uses tsdx for build/dev tooling and np for release management.

The recommended workflow is to run TSDX in one terminal:

npm start

This builds to /dist and runs the project in watch mode so any edits you save inside src causes a rebuild to /dist.

Then run the example inside another:

cd example
npm i
aunty serve

The example imports and live reloads whatever is in /dist, so if you are seeing an out of date component, make sure TSDX is running in watch mode as recommended above.

To do a one-off build, use npm run build.

To run tests, use npm test or yarn test.


Mostly to aid development and demonstrate usage, there is an example project in /example. It uses aunty as the build tool to match the usual ABC News interactive development work flow.


Jest tests are set up to run with npm test or yarn test.

Bundle analysis

Calculates the real cost of your library using size-limit with npm run size and visulize it with npm run analyse.


To release a new version to NPM run npm run release and follow the prompts.


Jest tests are set up to run with npm test or yarn test.

Bundle analysis

Calculates the real cost of your library using size-limit with npm run size and visulize it with npm run analyze.


Please see the main tsdx optimizations docs. In particular, know that you can take advantage of development-only optimizations:

// ./types/index.d.ts
declare var __DEV__: boolean;

// inside your code...
if (__DEV__) {


See the full list of contributors.

npm i @abcnews/google-doc-scrollyteller


  • MIT
  • >=12
  • Unknown
  • released 11/23/2020
