
multicall sub-package for Sequence


An Ethereum provider wrapper that aggregates multiple operations in one, reducing the network load on clients and servers. The project aims to be plug-and-play with existing ether.js integrations.

For more info see 0xsequence project page.

Inspired by MakerDAO Multicall.js.


yarn add @0xsequence/multicall


npm install --save @0xsequence/multicall


Sequence Multicall works by implementing ethers.Provider and wrapping an existing ethers.Provider; this wrapped provider can transparently aggregate supported JSON-RPC calls.

import { providers } from '@0xsequence/multicall'
import { providers as ethersProviders } from 'ethers'

// MulticallProvider can wrap and extend with multicall functionality
// any ethers.js provider, it's not limited to JsonRpcProvider
const provider = new providers.MulticallProvider(new ethersProviders.JsonRpcProvider("https://cloudflare-eth.com/"))

Making aggregated calls

Multicall leverages RPC calls' asynchronous nature to perform the aggregation; it implements a buffer with a configurable 50ms delay and aggregates all operations received within that window.

Explicit usage of the functionality can be forced by making multiple calls using Promise.all.

// Both requests are aggregated into a single RPC call
const [balance, supply] = await Promise.all([

Methods can also be aggregated without using Promise.all, as long as there are no await in between calls.

// DON'T
const balance = await provider.getBalance("0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2")
const supply = await dai.totalSupply()

// DO
const balancePromise = provider.getBalance("0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2")
const supplyPromise = dai.totalSupply()

const balance = await balancePromise
const supply = await supplyPromise

Using the provider

The MulticallProvider instance can be used in any context where an ethers.Provider is expected, including contract interfaces, middlewares, or libraries; all calls to the same provider are candidates for aggregation.

// Uses a single JSON-RPC call

const abi = [
    "function balanceOf(address owner) view returns (uint256)",
    "function totalSupply() view returns (uint256)",
    "function symbol() view returns (string)",

const uni = new ethers.Contract("0x1f9840a85d5aF5bf1D1762F925BDADdC4201F984", abi, provider)
const dai = new ethers.Contract("0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F", abi, provider)

const uniTotalSupplyPromise = uni.totalSupply()

const [totalSupply, balance, daiSymbol, uniSymbol] = await Promise.all([

const uniTotalSupply = await uniTotalSupplyPromise

Supported methods

The following JSON-RPC methods are supported for call aggregation:

Method Supported Implemented Notes
eth_call Yes Yes Requests containing from, gasPrice or value aren't aggregated.
eth_getBalance Yes Yes
eth_getCode Yes Yes
eth_blockNumber Yes No

All other RPC methods that are part of the standard are forwarded to the parent provider without any modifications.

⚠️ Using mixed blocktags will make some calls skip aggregation.

Error handling

The multicall wrapper is designed to work with any exiting ether.js integration transparently; this includes error handling for cases when multicall fails, is wrongly configured, or the contract does not support it.

JSON-RPC Calls are forwarded to the parent provider on any of the following cases:

  • Multicall contract is not deployed on the given network
  • Individual call fails (only failed calls are forwarded)
  • Batch call fails (all calls are forwarded)
  • Invalid RPC Call (invalid address, etc.)
  • Mixed blocktags within a batch
  • Unsupported special parameters (see supported methods)
  • Unsupported method


The MulticallProvider comes with a pre-defined configuration; it's ready to work out-of-the-box on the networks: Mainnet, Ropsten, Kovan, Rinkeby, Görli, and Matic (Mainnet).

  batchSize: 50,
  timeWindow: 50, // ms
  contract: "0xd130B43062D875a4B7aF3f8fc036Bc6e9D3E1B3E"

Parameter Required Description
batchSize Yes Defines the maximum number of calls to batch into a single JSON-RPC call.
timeWindow Yes Defines the time each call is held on buffer waiting for subsequent calls before aggregation, use 0 for "next js tick".
contract Yes Instance of MultiCallUtils contract, see: https://github.com/0xsequence/wallet-contracts/blob/master/src/contracts/modules/utils/MultiCallUtils.sol

Supported networks

The utility contract is 0xd130B43062D875a4B7aF3f8fc036Bc6e9D3E1B3E, it has been deployed using an Universal Deployer and it uses the same address on all networks. It can be used on any of these chains without configuration changes.

Network Address Deployed
Mainnet 0xd130B43062D875a4B7aF3f8fc036Bc6e9D3E1B3E Yes
Görli 0xd130B43062D875a4B7aF3f8fc036Bc6e9D3E1B3E Yes
Ropsten 0xd130B43062D875a4B7aF3f8fc036Bc6e9D3E1B3E Yes
Rinkeby 0xd130B43062D875a4B7aF3f8fc036Bc6e9D3E1B3E Yes
Kovan 0xd130B43062D875a4B7aF3f8fc036Bc6e9D3E1B3E Yes
Polygon 0xd130B43062D875a4B7aF3f8fc036Bc6e9D3E1B3E Yes
Mumbai (Polygon testnet) 0xd130B43062D875a4B7aF3f8fc036Bc6e9D3E1B3E Yes
Arbitrum One 0xd130B43062D875a4B7aF3f8fc036Bc6e9D3E1B3E Yes
Arbitrum testnet 0xd130B43062D875a4B7aF3f8fc036Bc6e9D3E1B3E Yes
Arbitrum Görli testnet 0xd130B43062D875a4B7aF3f8fc036Bc6e9D3E1B3E Yes
Avalanche 0xd130B43062D875a4B7aF3f8fc036Bc6e9D3E1B3E Yes
BSC 0xd130B43062D875a4B7aF3f8fc036Bc6e9D3E1B3E Yes

It can be deployed on any network that supports the CREATE2 opcode. See https://blockscan.com/address/0xd130B43062D875a4B7aF3f8fc036Bc6e9D3E1B3E for live list.

npm i @0xsequence/multicall


  • Apache-2.0
  • Whatever
  • Horizon Blockchain Games
  • released 8/26/2024
