
An implementation of the 4D SGC/Picasso development environment

4D SGC/Picasso LCD Controller for Node.js

This is an experimental library: an ever-growing implementation of the 4D Systems SGC/Picasso protocol. See http://www.4dsystems.com.au/prod.php?id=113 and http://www.4dsystems.com.au/downloads/Semiconductors/PICASO-SGC/Docs/PICASO-SGC-COMMANDS-SIS-rev11.pdf


$ npm install 4dlcd

Using It

var 4dlcd = require('4dlcd').Device;
var SerialPort = require('serialport').SerialPort;

var port = new SerialPort('/dev/ttyUSB1', { baudrate: 9600 });
var lcd = new 4dlcd(port);


// draw a red rectangle from 0,0 to 10,10
lcd.drawRectangle(0, 0, 10, 10, 255, 0, 0);


This module serves as a buffered thin wrapper around the underlying protocol. It handles RGB conversion as well as buffering commands in order to stop packet collisions.

Since commands are queued, callbacks are optional. If none is passed, a default callback will be used. Code is still executed asynchronously, so multiple commands can be executed and the callback sent with the final command will be called when completed.


Instantiate a new instance of the display. The parameter passed should be a connected SerialPort.


var port = new SerialPort('/dev/ttyUSB1', { baudrate: 9600 });
var lcd = new 4dlcd(port);

autobaud(/* optional callback */)

Autobaud is the initialization command and must be called before any other command can be called.


lcd.autobaud(function (err, status) {
  console.dir(status); // Buffer <0x06>

version(/* optional callback */)

Version returns a Buffer containing the version information of the connected device:

  • device_type ** 0x01 = micro-LCD. ** 0x02 = micro-VGA.
  • hardware_rev
  • firmware_rev
  • horizontal_res
    • 0x28 : 128 pixels
    • 0x32: 320 pixels
    • 0x60 : 160 pixels
    • 0x64 : 64 pixels
    • 0x76 : 176 pixels
    • 0x96 : 96 pixels
    • 0xFF : Unknown
  • vertical_res
    • 0x22 : 220 pixels
    • 0x24 : 240 pixels
    • 0x28 : 128 pixels
    • 0x32 : 320 pixels
    • 0x60 : 160 pixels
    • 0x64 : 64 pixels
    • 0x76 : 176 pixels
    • 0x96 : 96 pixels
    • 0xFF : Unknown

replaceBackgroundColour(r, g, b, /* optional callback */)

Changes the background color of the screen immediately.


lcd.replaceBackgroundColour(255, 0, 0, function (err, status) {
  console.dir(status); // Buffer <0x06>

clearScreen(/* optional callback */)

Clears the screen.


lcd.clearScreen(function (err, status) {
  console.dir(status); // Buffer <0x06>

controlFunction(mode, value, /* optional callback */)

Sends a control function to the screen.

drawImage65k(x, y, width, height, data, /* optional callback */)

Draws an image, specified in the data argument (16bit - 565 format) at the x and y coordinates specified.


lcd.drawImage65k(0, 0, 1, 2, new Buffer([ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff ]));
npm i 4dlcd


  • BSD
  • Whatever
  • Jerry Sievert
  • released 10/4/2012

