
The NPM package to interact with 3PI contracts.
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The NPM package to interact with 3PI contracts.

CodeQL Version Downloads

NodeJS TypeScript


Install the package using the following:

npm i 3pi

Importing the package can be done through the following:

import { KeyManager } from '3pi';

The KeyManager class includes all the functionality of 3PI, including functions like isKeyActive(), getExpiry(), extendKey(), etc.

It also exposes attributes like contractAddress, providers and contractToken for ease of use.

In order to initialize KeyManager, you will need to provide it with the contract address of your 3PI Key Manager contract on-chain, as well as at least 1 RPC URL to use when querying data. The more RPCs you add, the more robust the queries will be, since extra RPCs are used when any call fails.

You can initialize KeyManager as follows:

const keyManager = new KeyManager('<YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS_HERE>', ['<YOUR_RPC_URL_HERE>']);

Functions Available

Read Only

  • isTierActive(tierID)
  • getTierPrice(tierID)
  • getNumTiers()
  • getNumKeys()
  • isKeyActive(hash)
  • keyExists(hash)
  • getKeyHash(id)
  • getUserKeys(address)
  • getRemainingBalance(hash)
  • getUsedBalance(hash)
  • getKeyInfo(hash)
  • findUnrealizedAccounts()
  • getRealizedProfit()
  • getUnrealizedProfit()

Key Management

  • approve(amountInWei, signer)
  • activateKey(hash, duration, tierID, signer)
  • extendKey(hash, duration, signer)
  • deactivateKey(hash, signer)

Admin Controls

  • addTier(price, signer)
  • archiveTier(tierId, signer)
  • realizeProfit(hash, signer)
  • withdraw(signer)


  • getPublicHash(apiKey)
  • generateNewKey()
  • getWalletBalance(wallet)
  • getWalletAllowance(wallet)


The SDK is written entirely in TypeScript, and any types used within the SDK are located in the src/types.ts file.

If needed, these can be imported from 3pi/dist/types as follows:

import type { Address, ABIEntry } from '3pi/dist/types';


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Ncookie
  • released 8/10/2022

